Chapter Three~ Pandora

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     "Don't take him back, he'll just do the same thing. He's a liar Pandora, and he'll keep doing it over and over if you allow him," my mother tells me sternly. "Mom, it was a misunderstanding, and quite honestly it was over something stupid yet at that," I retort. My mother shakes her head and sighs, "Well it's something more drastic like him I don't know cheating on you, don't come crying to me because I told you so is all you'll hear." I groan. "Mom, he would never cheat on me, he loves me and I love him. I can't believe you would think that of him." "I only know from experience and I don't want my only daughter to go through the same thing. Besides you guys are teenagers how do you know what love really is," she responds calmly. "I'm done, I'm going over to Harry's and there is nothing you can do to stop me from forgiving him." "You'll regret it later," I hear her call as I walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

     On the drive to Harry's I take time in the quiet to really think about what my mom said. Maybe she was right, maybe I shouldn't forgive him. On the other hand, I do love him and can't stand to be without him. Oh forget it, I'm forgiving him, who cares what my mother says about it. I pull into Harry's drive and get quickly out of the car and lock it. Harry answers the door before I get a chance to knock and wraps his arms around me. "I forgive you," I say burying my face in his chest. "Thank you so much babe,"he responds placing a light kiss on my head.


     Thinking back on it maybe I should have taken my mother's advice. Forgiving him for that first little mistake, led to him being forgiven for almost every other mistake he made in our relationship. I'm not saying I didn't make any mistakes because I did but mine had better reasoning for them. Maybe I should have seen him trying to take advantage of my forgiving nature. But at the time I thought he loved me. He did love me, but only at the time. I fall asleep with that thought replaying in my mind.

     Sunlight is pouring through the window when I wake up. I look over and see that Brayden has already left for work, its got to be at least eight then. I glance at my phone to confirm that its 8:30. I stretch before flipping the covers off and sliding into my slippers and making my to the kitchen to make some coffee. The coffee pot is sitting on the counter half full and probably cold, oh well guess I'll just have to heat it up.

     After heating the coffee and fixing it to my liking, I turn on the laptop to check the news. Maybe I'll check Facebook while I'm at it, I haven't been on there in a while. Scrolling through the news I see its nothing but the same that it always is. So and so stole somebody's car and had it on a police chase or a famous person passed away. I open a new tab to check my Facebook. Now if only I could remember my login. I sit thinking until it finally clicks and I'm able to login.

     I almost spit my coffee out when I see the friend request from Harry, I didn't think he'd actually bother trying to find me. I debate for a minute about accepting but finally hit the accept button with a sigh. Moments later as I'm scrolling through some of the Facebook drama, I hear what sounds like a bubble popping. I look down to see Harry has messaged me. He must now like to be quick about things. I respond not knowing where it'll lead.

Harry Styles: So ummm I guess you thought I wasn't gonna actually do it huh? Well I did, figured I'd prove you wrong

You: You're right, I didn't think you'd do it, but then again you always did like to prove me wrong

Harry Styles: Yeah I guess I did....but how about we talk about the real reason we resumed contact

     My hands start to shake a little, I was really hoping he would just want to talk like friends and not bring this up. Here I go being my normal wanting to avoid the problem self. I have always hated that trait of mine.

You: Uhh and that would be....

Harry Styles: Don't play stupid because I know you know what we need to talk about

You: Can we like not do it on here though... not something I want to discuss on here

Harry Styles: Fine let's meet at  Hard Rock Cafe this afternoon, say around 3 three

You: Fine by me

     With that, I logged out and rushed upstairs to try to clear my mind by reading. Hopefully I could control my emotions unlike last night. Hopefully I don't freak out on him and turn it into one big screaming match like our relationship had been. Why am I so nervous about this, its not like we're meeting up to restore our broken relationship. He's got a girlfriend and I'm engaged, it could never happen again. Even if we wanted it to, but something deep down inside of me was saying, 'You want it to start again, you wang to give him another chance. You will make sure it happens again.' I ignored that part and let myself escape into a different reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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