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"So that's the couch, and my room is just down the hall if you need me." Ashton set a few blankets down for Lola, trying to make her feel comfortable. Ashton didn't know if they had broken up, or if they were even together in the first place, but he did know that she needed a friend and a place to stay.

To Lola, this was complete de ja vu. Her ex boyfriend and her went through this. It was a little more violent, but it was essentially this. She hated the way Luke acted tonight, but she couldn't help but want to just go home to him and curl up next to him.

She had her hand over her mouth, trying not to cry in front of Ashton again, because that's all she did on the way over to his place, mumbling words that Ashton couldn't even understand because they were drowned by her sobs.

Ashton hated to see Lola like this, but he knew Luke was incapable of being in a real relationship. He knew what Luke was like in a relationship, too. He didn't want to tell Lola any of these things before because he saw how happy she was, and she deserved to be happy so he didn't want to ruin it. But Luke ruined it, not him.

Ashton felt guilty now, though, for not warning her sooner.

He tried to guide Lola to sit down on the couch, he wanted to tell her things about Luke, but he didn't know how to say them or how she would take it in her state right now.

"Lola, I just want to say a few things while the side of Luke you just saw is fresh in your mind." Ashton cleared his throat and Lola laid her head down on Ashton's lap. He was surprised but he ran his fingers through her hair which seemed to calm her down. "I'm only going to say these 3 things once, and only once. I will never repeat them, and you will never tell him I told you."

Lola barely whispered an 'okay', but it was good enough for Ashton.

"Luke has only ever been in one serious relationship, and it ended on the worst terms possible. It was right after his virginity was taken from him, and he thought being in a relationship would help, but it didn't. It ended horribly and it's not my place to tell you how." Ashton took a deep breath and realised that it wasn't his place to tell Lola any of these things, but Ashton really wanted to protect Lola for some reason. He saw her as a little sister and he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"Luke also has a really bad temper. That only scares me because of your past and I don't want you to go through what you've already been through, you know what I mean?" Ashton kept running his fingers through Lola's hair. It was even calming him down. "Luke has never physically abused a girl, but he can mentally do some pretty bad damage." Ashton shook his head, remembering a few times when he couldn't be around Luke. It was after his one serious relationship had ended, and Luke was feeling bad almost all the time, but he couldn't help it and he didn't know how to fix it. His friends kept trying to help but they were al more of a bother than anything. Eventually he got tired of the pity party that was getting thrown for him everyday and decided to just start being mean to get everyone off his back. After a few years and sleeping around with nearly everyone in Sydney, Brisbane, and probably Adelaide, Luke regained his "chill".

Ashton was about to tell Lola the last one, but he heard a small snore come from her, and he thought it was the cutest thing ever. He smiled so wide, almost like a kitten had just crawled over to him and climbed into his lap.

He moved out from underneath her and set her head down on the pillow, but she stretched and looked up at Ashton. "Can I sleep in your bed? I don't want to be alone." Ashton nodded and led her to his room. He left the room as she changed and brought his cat into the room with them.

"I didn't know you had a cat." Lola said as she pet the purring creature.

Ashton smiled. "It's Luke and Calums. I took her months ago and they haven't noticed." Lola smiled, but she had tears in her eyes, remembering how Luke looked so confused and innocent when she asked about the cat.

Ashton noticed and put the cat down, then got Lola in to bed. He was so angry at Luke for making Lola feel like this. He hated seeing her like this, and on some level, Ashton felt like all of this was his fault. If he hadn't brought up the apartments, then Luke wouldn't have known. Although it probably would have happened eventually, Lola would have had her own place to stay. Ashton wasn't complaining, though. He loved having Lola around, and he loved having her as a friend. He just hated that his best friend was making his friend feel like shit.

Lola fell asleep quickly, tired from the immense amount of crying she did. Ashton tucked her in and laid down next to her. He felt her body heat radiating off of her, and it made him miss his girlfriend. He quickly texted her and said he missed her, then told her about the situation with Lola.

Ashton had always been faithful, always would be. He didn't find it that difficult to, especially when you are with someone you love. It made him realise, maybe Luke doesn't love Lola as much as he says he does.

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