Edward awoke with a start to a bloodcurdling shriek from the kitchen. He quickly slipped out from under his covers and opened the door slowly so as not to make a noise. He crept slowly down the hallway and rounded the corner. What he saw next made him double over vommiting. His father lay face down in the center of the hallway in an ever growing pool of thick dark blood. He screamed, dashed for his room and hurriedly locked the door. Grabbing the phone he dialed 911. Nothing happened... the line had been cut. "Crap!", he swore under his breath. He looked around the room and saw it: on the wall written in blood there was a message.
You wanna play a game...
I am in here with you...
Edward panicked. It was here, his younger brother... what used to be his younger brother, but was now nothing but a monster! His closet creaked open and ith appeared: a small boy in ragged clothes grinning and spattered in blood. He had held a teddy bear in one hand a butcher knife in the other. "Lets play",he said,"It'll be fun..." Edward grasped desperately for his gun under his pillow and found the cold reassuring handle. He lifted and aimed it. "I'm so sorry little brother", he said as he pulled the trigger.