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It was mid winter and small Taehyung, who was 4, toddled his way towards his small home. His short legs could only take him so far. They would take him through the woods, where he would poke his nose into tree holes and poke colorful bugs. 

"Taehyung-ah!" a crackled voice called from the porch, an old lady appearing. 

"Grandma! Grandma!" he mouthed, but only 'gaba' came out. 

Her wrinkled face brightened as she saw the little boy waddle towards her, his chubby hand holding a flower high in the air. He would have gotten into tons of trouble for taking tons of random things from the woods, but his grandmother was a nature lover. And she loved everything about her grandson, she let him do anything he wanted to.

"Gaba..." he held his knees, letting out tiny breaths. "Gaba I got," he held the flower up to her, smiling. It's petals were thick, a peach pink, full of life.

"Where'd you get it?" laughing a bit, she gently took the flower into her own hands. "It's odd for flowers to be growing in winter...." She shook her head, grinning at little Taehyung. "You're a real charm." She ruffled his hair. "Let's get inside quickly, I made you some cookies."

"Cookies!" he threw his arms into the air as they both waddled into the house together. The sweet aroma of vanilla and sugar hung in the air, making him shake in delight. "Cookie!"

"Yes, yes. They're vanilla cookies," she grabbed the plate from the counter and laid it in front of Taehyung. "You like vanilla, don't you?"

"Ba-ba," he tried spitting the words.





"Good enough," she stuffed a cookie into his mouth, making him tremble with giggles. 

"You look like your mother," her smile faded a bit, but turned into a short laugh, "you're gonna be so big when you grow up." She let out a long sigh and gazed at the flower that laid on the table. All of the flowers he collected were placed on his windowsill, and they always ended up browning and dying. Every time they did, Taehyung cried. "Would you upset if I did to...?" she laid her wrinkled hand on his small hand.

"Gaba," he poked her nose, crumbs falling out of his mouth as he laughed, "I got gaba."

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