Devilsh boy - Jane

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I have been told to be ever so careful at the aquarium. Countless upon countless times the staff have reminded me to be cautious. It isn't as though I am a newbie here; I have been working here for over two months now. I passed all the training required, so I did not understand why I had to be so careful. I don't even work near the tanks. I work at the gift shop. The most dangerous thing I have done so far it give myself a paper cut on a twenty dollar bill. I sighed and leaned against the counter. It is getting late but I promised my friend that I would close up the aquarium with her. I looked at my watch and noticed that she should have been done making sure that all the water creatures would be alright until tomorrow morning. I let out an annoyed sigh and decided to go see if I can find her somewhere. "Hannah!" I called out as I wandered through the different exhibits. I waved at some of the colourful salt water fish that were happily swimming about their tank. I often liked to spend time by this tank, but I am sure that she is father in. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself as I wandered deeper into the aquarium. "Over here!" I heard a voice call. I hurried myself along as I did not like the feeling of the goose bumps that were slowly prickling my arms. There is something eerie about this place at night. "Hannah? Where are you? It is getting late!" I yelled. I suddenly felt myself being propelled forwards and I tumbled hard onto the floor. At first I thought I had tumbled over my shoelaces but I realized that there is a little boy sitting on the floor by my side with a large grin plastered on his face. "Hello." He said as he reached his hand out to me. I gingerly sat up and cradled my hand to my chest. I had landed on something sharp and my hand is bleeding somewhat. "Hi. . . Are you lost? You shouldn't be here this late. Did your mom forget you?" I asked him. The boy shook his head and helped me to my feet. This boy seems no older than twelve. He is shorter than I and his eyes are as blue as the ocean itself. "I came here to see you. There is something I must show you." He said as he took my uninjured hand and led me over to the stairwell. I figured that he just wanted to show me an exhibit he had seen earlier and I couldn't see the harm in just taking a little wander. "Do you know what day it is?" The boy asked me suddenly. I smiled down at him gently and shook my head. I know that Tommy has been waiting at least thirty minutes for me. We were supposed to go and hang out with some friends, but the date is not in my head at the moment. "It's the 16th of November. It is a special day indeed." He told me with a sigh. "Is that a special day?" I asked curiously as I looked down at him. As we shuffled along I noticed a dark circle on his hand. I couldn't make out what was imprinted on the inside of the circle. Perhaps it is an emblem of some sort, but a young kid like this shouldn't have a tattoo right? "Tonight is a sacred day for my kind. Today is the day that sacrifices have to be made." I frowned and pulled my hand back, not liking the sound of his intonation. "I think we should go back. We shouldn't be up here anyways. Only authorized personnel is allowed." I said, trying to sound confident. "Oh, but we can't go back now. What about her? You can't leave her here." The boy said as he pointed up to the rafters. I let out a squeal as I backed towards the wall. Her body limply hangs from a rope that is tied to one of the rafters. Hannah. . . Her skin is already that of a light purple and her eyes are hung wide open in surprise. It is evident to me that she did not do this herself. "What happened.?" I whispered as I sunk down to the floor. "There, there. It's okay." The boy cooed as he pulled on a rope of some sort. I felt myself being plunged downwards and into a tank of water. I struggled to the surface but the weight of my coat kept me from reaching anywhere. "Lord Death will be very pleased with me." I heard him whisper. I searched frantically for a way out but instead found myself staring at several large bodies; circling around me. . . I looked down at my hand and unclenched the fist that I had made and realized that I am still bleeding. My throat burned uncontrollably and I couldn't help but swallow mouthfuls of water. My consciousness is fading and I know that whomever that little boy is; is going to let me die in here just as he did Hannah. Did he lure her in here too? Pretend to be a lost little boy when in fact he is something that he is not? I felt a large pair of teeth wrap around my torso and even though I am surrounded by water I can still feel myself bleeding into the salt water. The atmosphere around me grows dark and I can't even make a difference between what is water and what is blood. . .If God truly does exist then he is cruel and shall the devil take me first before I will ever reach heaven.

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