Shinagami - Diego

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Diego sighs as he sits in the secret cave he had found a few days ago. It's not fair, he thought to himself. It's not fair. . . Being bullied by people online that he doesn't even know shouldn't bother him so much, but for some reason it did. He enjoyed the company of the new friends he had made but it seems like the others didn't think he was as good a company as he thought. He poked gently at the skin below his wrist with his pocket knife. It didn't hurt much at all actually. He stopped though, knowing that this wasn't the right solution. Maybe if he confronted his friends he could find out why the others were picking on him so much. He got up and rolled on the balls of his feet before leaving the cave. He let out a girlish scream as water greeted him. He shuffled backwards and looked out of the cave. There was no water here when he got here. . . "Ugh." Diego's eyes grew wide. He wipped around and found a shadow like creature standing there with gold coins in his hand, moving his hands in a motion as if to offer him the coins. "A-A-Are you friendly?" Diego asked as he moved away from the water, feeling uneasy about being close to the black ripples. The figure did not say anything but floated closer, still offering him the coins. "I-I-I don't need them! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed. The shadow figure's fingers shook and dropped the coins to the rock floor. It screamed like a banchee making Diego cower away from the creature. "You shouldn't have been so careless." A woman's voice said through the screaming . Diego couldn't see anything, in fact, when he looked down he could not even see anything anymore. Carefully taking his hands away from his ears he reached up to his eyes, feeling the soft tunnels where his eyeballs used to sit. "Sorry sweetheart, but you should never refuse a shinigami." The woman's voice said. Diego's breathing became rapid. A shinigami? They are just folklore! He must be dreaming! A large whoosh sound could be heard and the frightened boy felt as though he was sitting in a tunnel. "Please stay still. I promise it won't hurt if you stay still." A low voice said in his ear. "S-s-stop. I'll do whatever you say!" Diego exclaimed. The shinigami smiled before forcing his hand through Diego's chest, grabbing his heart with his long pale fingers. The beast ripped it out of his chest and stared down at the beating heart. "Now you won't have to worry son." The shinigami said with a smile before gently licking the red suculent juice from his fingers. Diego, only for a moment saw the shinigami with his eyes. The same shadowy figure from before, but with time with sharp teeth, a bulky body and large black wings, torn as if God himself punished the magnificent deathly being. Shinigami feed off human souls and it seems like this one was hungry, preying on easy desperate prey; for Diego had unconciously agreed to a contract: A contract punishing him to life chained to the shinigami world. Not hell, not heaven but a world in between. . . only to live as a frightening being for the rest of his life.

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