Dear Reader

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Dear reader,

First off I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has ever supported me in making this story. Each and every one of you is the reason why I continued past chapter one. So thank you for voting, commenting and just reading.

Also I'm here to agree with probably 99% of you that my uploading schedule is basically non-existent. And I'd like to apologise for that. As an avid fanfiction reader myself I know how annoying it is when the story you're reading only ever gets updated once you've completely forgotten the entire plot. So yeah. Sorry about that. This is why is why I'd rather write one-shots.

Now, in terms of this story, I'd like to say that I'm going to finish it soon but honestly I can't. I've lost my motivation for this story. If I ever find the will to write the final chapter, you can bet your favourite tooth that it'll happen. But I don't want to keep your hopes up. So for now this is the end of P:WIM? and I'm very sorry for those of you who were looking forwards to what would have been the last chapter.

Once again thank you to all of you for your amazing support. Seriously when I'm having a shit day I'll sometimes just read your comments and I'll feel 1000 times better. This has been a great adventure but it's about time I brought this thing to a close.

I love you, thank you, nice butt, keep smiling,

TreeHugger xoxo

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