We're going to Auradon?!

681 16 4

Since this is my version, I change the script a little bit so just enjoy it. And make sure to comment and vote. Thank you very much.

Prince Ben's proclamation was to let the villain's kids to live in Auradon. Hi parents didn't like it but soon agreed. Then this happened.

Mal- M
Jay- J
Evie- E
Carlos- C
Evan- Ev
Maleficent- Ma
Evil Queen- Eq
Jafar- If
Cruella- Cr

M- They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm Evil
That makes me glad

J- A dirty no good
Down to the bone
You're worst nightmare
Can't take me home

E- So I've got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love

C- They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless

All- Misunderstood!

Ev- Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world

All- I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the........(2x)
I'm rotten to the core

M- Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I'm just unique

J- What me a traitor?
Ain't got your back
Are we not friends?
What's up with that

E- So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart
I made you hurt

C- The past is past
Forgive, forget
The truth is.......

All- You ain't seen nothing yet!

Ev and E- Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world
Wicked world........

All- I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next
Like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the.....(2x)
I'm rotten to the core

M- (grabs a candy from a baby)
Everyone- (laughs then runs away)
M- Hi mom
Ma- Stealing candy Mal, I'm so disappointed.
M- It was from a baby
Ma- That's my nasty little girl (gets the candy then spits on it and placing it in the armpit) Give it back to dreadful creature. Oh wait there's news! You five were chosen to go to a different school.......... in Auradon.
E, EV, C, J- (tries to run away but is caught by Maleficent's "knuckleheads") Ahhhhh! Get of me! Whoa! Hey!
M- I'm not going to some boarding school filled with the brim of prissy, pink princesses.
E- And perfect princes........... Ugh
Ev- I'm not perfect?
J- I don't do uniforms unless it's leather you feel me
C- I read somewhere that they aloud dogs in Auradon, mom says their viscous, rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave.
J- Woof!
Ev- Why am I going to some highschool? I'm just 11!
E- Umm Ev (short for Evan) you skipped 6th grade.
Ev- Right..... but still!
M- Yeah mom were not going!
Ma- Oh you're thinking small pumpkin, It's about world domination! Knuckleheads! Mal! (as she says "Mal" in a singing tone)

Ma- You will go you will find the Fairy Godmother and bring me back her magic wand. Easy Piecy
M- What's in it for us?
Ma- it's about you and me baby. Bring me back her wand or your grounded for the rest of your life Missy.
M- What! Mom!
Ma and M- (glare)
M- Fine whatever
Ma- I win
Eq- Evie! Evan! My little evilette in training.
Ev- Still has no compliments for me.
Eq- You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother in law wing
Eq- And lots and lots of mirrors!
Ev- (imitating and saying in unison with Evie)
E- Ha.......
Eq- No laughing wrinkles
Ev- What about me?
Eq- You maintain that handsomeness
Ev- That's what I'm talking about!
Cr- Well they're not taking my Carlos Cuz I'd miss him too much
C- Really mom?
Cr- Yes. Who would fluff my fur and scrape the bunions of my feet?
C- Maybe a new school isn't the worst thing
Cr- Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon
C- Oh no, I'm not going
Jf- Well Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store. What did you score?....... Ooh! Oh! A lamp! (rubs the lamp)
J- Dad I already tried
Jf- Naa!
Eq- Evie's not going 'til we get rid of this unibrow. Hmmmm?
Ev- (laughing)
Eq- Evan's not going until he does another hairstyle.
Ev- What's wrong with this?
Ma- No, what is wrong with you all?! People used to cower (don't know the word and spelling) at the mention of our names! For 20 years I figured out a way off this island, for 20 years they have robbed us from our revenged. Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men.
Eq- Oww
Ma- Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie
Jf- I will-
J- Pops!
Ma- Revenge on any sneaky Dalmatian who escaped your clutches
C- Well they didn't get the baby, they didn't get the baby!
Ma- And I Maleficent the evilest of them all. I will get my revenge on sleeping beauty and her little prince. E.Q. give her your magic mirror.
E- This is your magic mirror.
Eq- Well it used to be, it can help you find things.
E- Like a prince
Ev- Like a new hairstyle
Eq- Like my waste line
Ma- Like the magic wand, hello?
Eq- Hello
Ma- That book where's my spell book
Eq- (points at the safe)
Ma- The safe! Queen help me!
Eq- Viola!
Ma- My book! Mal! It doesn't work here but it will in Auradon. Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives
Eq- Like it was yesterday
Ma- And Mal it's your turn to make memories by doing exactly as I tell you, door
J and E- (staring at each other but no one sees it)
Car honks
J- Let's get this party started!
Eq- Who's the fairest of them all?
E- Me!
Ev- Her! (Points at Evie)
Eq- Ahhhhh!
Ev and E- You!
Eq- Go!
Jf- Recite our mantra
J- There's no team in I.
Jf- Run along your making me tear up!
J- My bag
Jf- Yeah
J- Dad!
Jf- Coming!
Ma- The future of the free world rest on your shoulder don't blow it.

The boys except Evan fights for the candy
E- Your looking a little wash out let me help you out
M- Ewwww! Stop! I'm plotting.
E- Well it's not very attractive.
J- (smirks at Evie) Hey Evie try this
Ev- Crush alert (whispers to Mal)

Ben- B
Audrey- A
Doug- D

B- Hi I'm Ben
A- Prince Benjamin soon to be King!
E- You had me a prince
J- (jealous)
C, M, and Ev- (smiling at the back)
M- Do u really like it when she flirts with boys?
Ev- This is my fake smile
M- So?
Ev- Have you met me?
M- Duh
Ev- Well, it's a NO
E- My mom's a Queen which makes me a princess. And makes him a prince.
A- The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do both of you.
Ev- That's mean
B- This is Audrey
A- Princess Audrey his girlfriend, right Bennyboo.
A- So your names? (she asks rudely)
J- Jay
M- Mal
C- Carlos
Ev- Evan
E- Evie
B- (chuckles) Actually we need your full names
M- It's about time Evan
J- Jayden Axel Cobra
M- Mallory Bertha Dragon
C- Carlos Ryle De Vil
E- Evelyn Queenette Grimhilde
Ev- Evan Quentin Grimhilde
B- Ok how about a tour

B- This is Doug he'll show you your dorms and class schedule. (Leaves with Audrey)
D- Hi guys I'm Dopey's son as in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy......... Heigh Ho
E- Evie daughter of Evil Queen
J- (rolled his eyes) Does she even know that that's her mother's enemy's son? (whispers to Carlos)
C- Someone's jealous (whispers to Mal)
M- Let's go find our dorms
D- Your dorms are that way guys........ Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy.......
C- Sneezy

E- This place is so ama-
M- Gross
E- I know right amazingly gross, Eww

Other dorm
The boys are fighting over who will go in first
C- Me first!
Ev- No me I'm the youngest!
J- Me first!
C, Ev, J- (gets stuck in the door then falls) Owww!

M- That sounds like the boys

Other dorm
E- OMG Jay! (helps Jay up)
Ev- Aren't you gonna help your brother?
E- Right (helps Evan up)
M- Like this place
C- (turns on a video game) Jay! Come check this out it's awesome.
J-(playing the game)
M- Guys! Should I remind you what we're all here for.
J- Fairy Godmother blah, blah, blah
C, E, Ev- (laughs)
J- Magic wand blah, blah, blah
C, E, Ev- (laughs again)
J- (thinking in his head) I love it when she laughs
M- This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents that we are viscous and evil and ruthless and cruel.
Ev- Mal we know that
M- Evie mirror me
E- Mirror mirror on- in my hand where does Fairy Godmother's wand stand
There it is
C- Zoom out
E- Magic mirror not so close.......closer, closer, closer
C- Can I go back to my game I'm on level 3-
J- Stop!
M- it's in a museum
E- Where?
Ev- 2.3 miles from here
M- Junior Blue-hair's growing up
Ev- (rolls his eyes)
Everyone- (leaves except for Carlos)
M- Carlos!
C- Coming!

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