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Evie's POV
Today is the coronation. Ben and I broke up. And Doug is my boyfriend. I don't care if he's my mother's enemy's son. I just wanna be happy.

Coronation Hall
Fairy Godmother said a bunch of words about solemnly swear to govern Auradon and the people. Ben said he does solemnly swear. Then Jane grabs the wand.
Ja- If u don't make me beautiful then I will! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo! (Magic hits the window and breaks the barrier around the Isle)
M- (grabs the wand)
Bl- Careful Mal!
B- Mal give me the wand
Jay, Evie, Evan, and Carlos enters
A- I told u so!
M- (points the wand at Audrey)
A- (backs off)
B- U really want to do this
M- Our parents-
B- Our parents made their choice now you make yours!
M- I think I wanna be good
B- You are good!
M- How do u know that?!
B- Because.............I'm listening to my heart
M- I want to listen to my heart too, and my heart is telling me that we are not our parents
Stealing things doesn't make u happy winning the tourney game and victory pizza with the team makes u happy
And belly rubs on Dude makes u happy
Being the most charming and handsome guy makes u happy
And Evie u do not need to act dumb to get a guy you are so smart
And taking over the world with evil doesn't make me happy I wanna go to school and be with Ben
Cuz Ben makes me really happy. I choose good you guys.
J- I choose good too
E, Ev- We choose good
C- So just to be clear we don't have to be worried how mad our parents will be
Everyone laughs
C- Cuz they are gonna be really mad
B- Your parents can't reach u here
C- Okay then, good
Maleficent arrives at Auradon
Ma- I'm back!
M- Go away mother
Ma- Hahaha! She's funny! No time to waste, wand!
M- (Mal throws the wand and Fairy Godmother catches it)
Ma- (freezes everyone but the 5)
Mal and Maleficent started arguing and Maleficent turned into a dragon
Jay started to fight with Maleficent.
M, C, Ev, E- Jay watch out!!
Ev- (also started to fight)
E- Evan!!
Ma- (uses her magic and strikes Evan)
Ev- Ahhhhh!(fainted)
E, M,C, J- Evan wake up!
E- Magic mirror shine a bright light!
M- At the back of me, E! Leave my friends alone! It's between you and me mother. The strength of evil is good as none which stands before 5 hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none which stands before 5 hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none which stands before 5 hearts as one!
Ma- (shrinks to a lizard)
Ev- (jolts forward and gasps) What happened?
E- We won
Fg- (unfreezes and tells Mal Maleficent will learn how to love) Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!
Everyone- (unfreezes)
B- (roars)
M- It's Ok Ben
B- Next time I rescue you okay?
M- Ok

Evie, Mal, Ben, Evan, Jay, and Carlos cuddles up in this order (left to right)

J- Let's get this party started!
The 6- Ohay, Ohay, Hey!

Before Set It Off
E- Evan have u seen Doug?
Ev- Nope, but do u want to dance?
E- If I was with Doug
Ev- What about me?
E- Ummmmm-
Ev- C'mon it's not like an 11 year old can't dance
E- (raises an eyebrow)
Ev- But this one can
E- Fine

M, E- Oh, oh, yeah oh, yeah, yeah!

E- Let's set it off!
Oh yeah!
You can make it happen

Everyone- Ohay, Ohay, Hey!

B- Kings and Queens
It's our time to rise write the book
The story of our lives
This is us taking back the night

Ohay, Ohay!

M- Break the spell
We were born this way
Be yourself forget the DNA
Everybody raise your hands and say

Ohay, Ohay Hey!

E, Ev- Sound the alarm get on your feet
Let's set it off and rock this beat
Dance til your heart wild and free (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Feeling the power let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout!
We got the keys the kingdom's ours

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Ohay Ohay

First 4 who sang- Let's set it off!
Oh, yeah!
Start a chain reaction
Never let it stop
Let's set it off!
Oh yeah!
You can make it happen
With everything you got
Let's set it off

Everyone- Get ready set it off!
We got to set it off!
Get ready set it off

Ohay, Ohay!

After the song
Ev- (sees Doug kissing another girl and tells Evie) Evie! Come with me
E- Why?
Ev- You'll see
E- (Sees him kissing the girl) That's why you were gone! You're making out with your new girlfriend!
D- It's not that! I can explain babe!
E- Don't you babe me! I saw it my brother saw it!
Ev- That was Ewwwww!
E- I'm breaking up with u! (Leaves)
D- Wait Evie!
Ev- Stay away from her! (Blocks Doug)
D- You're acting like Chad!
Ev- Cuz were friends! I think we are? Just stay away from her! She doesn't need u! (Leaves)

Evie's POV
I thought today will be great. Until Doug cheated on me. And I don't have anymore lovers. My mom was right if I had just dated or married a prince this won't happen. Right now I'm crying for 2 reasons because of the heart break and because of the movie I'm watching. Then I heard a knock on the door.
E- Go away!
Ev- It's just me your brother!
E- Fine
Ev- (walks in) Hi
E- Hi
Ev- Don't be sad
E- Why everyone hates me nobody wants a daughter of a villain!
Ev- Calm down its fine I know a friend in the Isle her name was Hollie
E- Daughter of captain hook? (I think Hollie will be in Descendants 2)
Ev- Yeah she used to date Isa remember son of the snow queen (I think he will be there too) then Isa cheated on her with another girl. So your not alone.
E- Nobody wants me!
Ev- Ok I get it just cheer up and I'll go
E- Bye!

Ev- Jay, I have good and bad news
J- What?
Ev- Good news Evie's single bad news she sad.
J- Ok I'll talk to her

J- Hi Evie
E- Hi Jay
J- I heard what happened I wanna make u feel better
E- How?
J- This (kisses her)
E- Why did you kiss me?
J- Cuz I love u
E- I thought u were with Audrey?
J- I just dated her to make u jealous
E- Ok
J- Where were we? Oh, yeah this (kisses her again)

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