We have siblings??!! part 2

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Mal's POV
I don't know what's up with Evan? He seems weird. I can see it . Whenever he is quiet I can tell he's hiding something. And I better find out.

M- Hi Evan!
Ev- Hi guys (hides the phone)
E- What are u doing?
Ev- Nothing just bored
C- No your not
J- What's that behind u?
Ev- Just my phone (shows the phone) See just my phone.
M- Uh huh (tries to grab the phone but missed it)
Ev- Fine I'll tell you! (Shows them the video call)
C- Who are they?
Ev- Mal, this is Max your brother, Carlos this is Carla your sister and Jay this is Jade your sister.
M, J, C- We have siblings??!!
Ev- Yup they're all 11 like me.
M- Why didn't u tell us?
Ev- Long story but I'll tell now. 7 years ago King Adam said that 4 villain kids should be banished somewhere. And he meant Me, Max, Jade, and Carla. But Maleficent wanted one of us to stay. She said Max for a reason he's the son of the most evil villain. Cruella said Carla because she was the youngest. Jafar said Jade because she needs to steal. And my mom said me because I'm the eldest. Then King Adam said that it's me so here I am.
C- But our parents never told us.
E- They didn't want u guys to leave.
J- You knew?
E- Yeah, if they told you, you would be fighting then leaving.
M- She has a point. I'll tell Ben to make them live here.
Ev- Ok
C- I'm coming
J- So am I
E- I'm going too
Ev- I have no choice

Ben's castle
M- Hi Ben
B- Hi Mal, guys
Everyone- Hi
M- So we have something to say and ask. Me Carlos and Jay have siblings too.
B- What?! Really?!
J- Yeah our parents kept that as a secret.
M- And can u invite them to stay here?
B- Sure of course u guys are family.
C- Incomplete family
E- It's fine Carlos, as long as u met them
B- Ok tomorrow morning they might be here.
J- Yes!

B- Guys they're coming!
C- Finally!

Mx- We're finally meeting our brother and sister!
Jd- Long lost
Ca- We were the long lost.

Ev- There they are
Mx, Jd, Ca- Evan!
Ev- Hey guys!
Ca- We missed u!
Everyone- (stares at Evan)
Ev- What?! I was the only person they remembered
B- Hi I'm King Ben
Jd- Why are we talking to the person who banished us?!
B- that was my dad don't worry that won't happen again.
Ca- The dungeon was horrible!
Mx- We only ate 1 time a day!
Jd- And we barely even took a bath!
Ev- Guys calm down! Your in a new world. It's better here.
Mx- Have u turned good?
Ev- Yes
Ca- So are we!
C- That's a sudden.
M- Ok why don't we play get to know each other game
J- It will be fun just tell us all about u
C- Ok our dorm

Mx- A double deck bed! This world is better!
Jd- We used to sleep in the floor with no beds.
E- Let's start the game now
Ev- Ok full name
Ca- Carla Raine De Vil
Jd- Jada Amanda Cobra
Mx- Max Brendan Dragon
M- Ok our turn, Mallory Bertha Dragon
C- Carlos Ryle De Vil
J- Jayden Axel Cobra
Ev- Evan Quentin Grimhilde
E- Evelyn Queenette Grimhilde
Mx- Wow!
C- Favorite color?
Ca- Red
Jd- Yellow
Mx- Dark purple
They asked questions until they knew about each other.

Mx- I'm tired
J- Let's sleep Good night Jade, Evie!
Everyone said good night and went to sleep. They're not that bad after all.

Outfits of Evan

Outfits of Evan

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