Chapter Fifteen NSFW End

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A/N There is smut again. And yes, not going all the way is technically sex/smut and if I hear complaints one more time that it's not I will never smut again lol

-Five Years Later-

"Alfred! Get your ass down here I swear," growled out Arthur as he looked in the hallway mirror and fixed his tuxedo. He looked up and watched Alfred walk down the stairs rolling his eyes at being yelled at by his lover. Seeing the Americans bow tie was crooked he walked over to him and fixed it. "You need to learn to do this on your own."

With a slight pout Alfred stole a kiss from his lips and shook his head. "But I like it better when you do it. Gives me a excuse to be closer to ya," he said with a playful grin as he looked down at the silver ring on Arthur's finger. He grabbed ahold of the slim finger and kissed the ring lightly, knowing it showed the brit was his and they were soon to be wed.

This time it was Arthur's turn to roll his eyes as he took his hand from Alfred, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he half heartedly glared at him. "Has anything really ever stopped you from doing that?" He asked knowing Alfred would randomly grab him and hold him tightly whether they were home or out on a date.

A chuckle slipped past Alfred's lips as he shrugged not wanting to answer the question. "Come on. We have a date to go on," he said as he dragged Arthur out of their large shared apartment and out to his car.

"Don't you dare call this a date. It's a bloody job for you," he said with a pout but knew he would have fun where they were going. Arthur got into the passenger seat and took Alfred's free hand as they drove into the city.

With a small pout Alfred started driving towards the theatre and took Arthurs hand into his free one. After a long while they ended up at the large building that was crowded with cars and paparazzi. Once they pulled up to the red carpet both Alfred and Arthur got out hand in hand and walked up the carpet.

Arthur grumbled embarrassed that Alfred was so calm and collected out in public like this and quickly led him up to the doors that lead to the theatre. "Oh come on Artie," Alfred whined out as he let Arthur's hand go and wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "Everyone loves you, and I love showing you off."

With a glare Arthur pulled away and followed the theatre attendant that took them to their seats. He wasn't fond of being in public with Alfred since there were many woman who hated to learn Alfred was bisexual and was now engaged to a man rather than a woman.

"Come on babe. I'm sorry?" He asked not liking the thought of Arthur being angry at him the whole night. Before Alfred could say anymore the lights in the room dimmed and the lights on the screen started, his first book was finally made into a movie.


Arthur and Alfred didn't say much to each other as they walked back to their car and left for home, Arthur especially since he was so tired. During the drive home the brit had fallen asleep against the window and Alfred chuckled as he pulled up to their apartment. He had gotten out and scooped Arthur into his arms before carrying him up to their room.

"Light as a feather as usual hun. I need to feed you more," Alfred sighed as he laid Arthur down onto the bed. He stripped Arthur's clothes off and put some clean breifs on the brit before doing the same thing to himself.

Alfred climbed into the bed and wrapped whispered arms around Arthur and pulled him into his chest. This woke the brit up and he looked up at Alfred with a small pout before pecking his lips not liking that they were now having some sort of argument.

A small chuckle slipped past Arthur's lips as he woke up feeling Alfred peppering light kisses down his neck, tickling him slightly. "Git what are you doing?" He asked as he looked down at Alfred with tired eyes that sparkled with excitment.

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