Part 4

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My eyes flew open, and who stood above me but an extremely disheveled Troy.

I coughed harshly. "Troy?" I whispered, my scratchy voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

His head popped up from it's former position of resting in his hands. "You're alive?"

I smiled weakly, "I think so."

He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"What even happened?" I asked.

"You've been out for 3 weeks, on the edge of death!"

"No way!" I gasped.

"Yeah. They wanted to just let you die. So... I went and got medicine from the closest hospital. We applied it a few days ago, and they'd feared you were dead... That it was too late."

"But it wasn't."

"It wasn't. It worked and you're going to make it through this, okay? If not for me, then for yourself. Okay?" His eyes sparked with an urgency I had never seen before.

"Okay." I replied, and fell back asleep to get some strength.

I did get better after that. Slowly but surely. They released me from the asylum about two weeks after I was fully healed, and Troy quit his job working at the asylum so he could marry me. We moved to North Dakota and had kids. I now work as an author, and he works as a police officer. We still have our struggles like all families do, but we're going strong. He had saved me from the asylum, and left me a very happy woman with three kids to be proud of. I finally had my happy ending.

That's how I found my asylum savior, and got rid of my lover's disease. 

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