Chapter 9

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Hello readers! Sorry for the spelling mistakes I would have made!.. I'm typing all these in a hurry plus im using my phone. Hope you guys wouldn't mind about the mistakes!

I want to keep moving to the next chapter as fast as I can cause I love the ending part of this story :). And I'm sure you readers will too!

Enjoy the story! xoxo.. ;D


That evening Ram took his shower and rushed to the dressing table to get ready for tuition.

Just then he recieves a call on the landline which ia also connected to the hall.

"Hello." said Ram.

"Hello." said his mother from the hall.

"Mom! the call is for me! hang up please!" shouted Ram.

"Okay dear!." answered his mother.

"How many times do I have to say hello on the phone?!" asked Janani.

"Hey! mom took the phone. Are you getting ready for tuition?" asked Ram.

"No, thats why I called you. I can't come for tuition today." said Janani with a sad voice.

"My father has suddenly decided to go to Thirupathi. We are leaving now." said Janani.

*Thirupathi is a state which is famous for indian temples and Laddu which is an indian sweet.*-Just an information.

"Janani.." said Ram as her mother inturrupts," Janani!who are you talking to? The van will be here in half an hour. Your father is shouting there!" said the mother.

"No mom, I'm just informing Lavanya to take notes for me in class."

"Okay Okay! quick!" said the mother.

"I got to go now! I'll try calling you from a Public phone as soon as I reach there. Okay? bye bye bye." said Janani rushing.

"Hello!" said Ram, but she hung up.

For the few days when Janani was gone, Ram was deserted. He felt very lonely, waitimg for her phone call. He didn't move far from the landline. Janani was travelling thinking when she would get to call Ram.

When Janani reached the hotel, she saw a public phone booth open. She took Sumi with her slowly walking to the booth.

"Hey Janani! where are you going?!" asked the mother.

"Uh.. to the washroom mom!" said Janani.

"You can go to the washroom which is in the hotel! lets go. Come on!" said the mother.

Janani had no other ways but to follow her mother.

A few days passed just like that. When one night Ram was lying on his bed next to the landline watching the phone if it would ring.

It rang. He quickly answered the phone. "Janani!"

"Ram!" *kisses* she kissed the phone for Ram. Ram did the same. The man looking after the phone booth stared at Janani in a way.

"I miss you." said Ram.

"I miss you too." said Janani.

"When are you coming back? I was starring at the phone the whole time for your call!" said Ram.

"Ram I cannot talk to you for much time!" said Janani.

"Where are you talking from? Do you have the number?" asked Ram.

"No.. some, Thirumala Venkatam gueat house. No way you can call me." said Janani looking at the board.

"Janani, for 2 days I am waiting for your call, my mother asked me..." "Janani! what are you doing there!?" inturrupted Janani's father.

"Ram, my father is calling me. I have to go now! Love you. Bye!" said Janani and quickly hung up.

Ram hung up. He called Kumara to come over to his house. He took Kumara to his father's Work Room.

"Dude, we don't have license. Without license we can't even go to the next street. How to Thirupathi?" asked Kumara.

"Just shut up and follow me!" said Ram as they walked to his father.

"Dad" called Ram.

"What?" answered the father while writing some paper works.

"I need to talk to you about something very important dad." said Ram.

"Go on." said the father.

"I have to go to Thirupathi dad."said Ram.

"For what?" asked the father.

" Uh, I need to pray to Venkateshwara to pass in my 12th standard examinations." explained Ram.

"No need of going that far. You can also pass your exams by studying. Go." said the father.

Janani and Sumi went to the public phone booth to call Ram.

"I already tried calling him for 5 times now, his dad keeps answering the phone! Rogue. I wonder where is he roaming about at this time." said Janani to Sumi.

The next day in the afternoon, Ram recieved a call.


"Okay listen Ram! Are you going for tuition?" asked Janani.

"Yeah, I'm getting ready now. Why?" asked Ram.

"Don't go." said Janani.

"Why?" asked Ram.

" Dad, mom and Sumi stayed back at Thirupathi at my aunt's house. They will only come back in the morning. I came back saying that I need to write my records. If you are free, come over." said Janani.

"Really?" asked Ram with a smile.

"Yes, come sharp at 6p.m. I'll keep the door open for you. Just come in. If my neighbour next door sees you, she will tell my mom and I'll be dead! Make sure she doesn't see you okay?" said Janani.

"Okay." said Ram.

Ram reached Janani's apartment sharp at 6p.m as she said. He stood at the entrance as Janani stood in the hall they looked at eachother for a few seconds.

They ran to eachother and hugged. Their eyes met. And they stood there like that for awhile.

"You pig!!" said Janani punching Ram on his stomach.

"Hey! whats wrong!?" asked Ram.

"How many times do I have to call you! Your father kept answering the phone." said Janani as they sat on the couch.

"I knew I'll be seeing you in 2 days. I thought you would be waiting for my call." complained Janani.

"I came to Thirupathi to see you. On the bike. I went to the guest house you told me, they said you guys left in the morning. Your right, I should have stayed next to the phone." said Ram.

Janani hugged him tight and closed her eyes.

"Are you crazy?" asked Janani.

"On you." answered Ram.

"Urgh, I've heard this dialogue a lot in movies! Tell me. Why did you come there?" asked Janani.

"Huh.. to buy Laddu." said Ram with a smile.

Janani let go off him and sat straight.

"I brought home some Laddu for you myself! Tell me.. why did you come there?" asked Janani.

"Your eyes. To see your eyes Janani. I couldn't live without looking at your eyes. So beautiful." said Ram.

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