Part 16: five schoolgirls at Nurgululul's

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Rkunnannnikaloni, Osory-chan, and Numburger were having a rave party in a restaurant, throwing pizzas at each other. And each time they received a pizza, the pizzas moaned. Rokupapynan  was tired and said "fuck off" .
Osorururururironi and Nergululululiloliloni were looking at him, deeply butthurt, throwing raging babies at rawcanon
He fainted.
3 seconds later everyone was asleep on the floor.
Then an introoder in a nite cunt suit came in, raging towards the office. The inter alarms of the very dumb trio rang.
It was billy stranger danger time.
Nervana was in the office, this time he wouldn't get fucked over by lil twats playing kids games such as fnaf.
Niagara black falls and Asoreass
Started walking towards the office with their most offended expressions and started moaning in rage. Nervy's ran away because it was too weird to handle, blew up the wall and asked me wtf was wrong with this story. I slapped him and said "get back to work."
I got deeply offended by the teletubbie stare he gave me.

Memorial high school: Laurence's (leafy) 's dumbass adventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant