Part 12: A regular day

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Meanwhile on the other side of the buttplug, was another staff team called: the tandory chickens movie theater. SIKE
It was the cheesy weenies's wiener's fanclub. The staff team of Kanjory high. Totoro testosteroni total topey dick (Osore), Kame-hame beam of 69/11 (KG), and the failed prostitute Sexytakein (Seiteki). They were all ranting about daddy trump. KG's dad was masturbating to trump porn.
But she gonna get my trump (insert Lenny dick ass cunt face here). While they were ranting about the smelly situation, a plane crashed in the backyard and the ground was screaming as hard as it could out of pleasure. Osorishit
Took a shit out of anger, flew out of the roof, took the plane, jizzed it furiously at the sky.
The sun had a pleasured face and the sky was screaming in confusion. It was an everyday satanic ritual.

Memorial high school: Laurence's (leafy) 's dumbass adventureOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant