Chapter 9

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The shock of killing such an important person of the enemy coursed through her veins like adrenaline. Maybe it was adrenaline. Hannamarie didn't know the difference at that one moment . All that was on her mind was her father. They would probably kill him, or worse, both of them. That was the one time Hanna worried that she had triumphed against the enemy. She knew, though, that she had time before they would make another attempt to kill them. She raced into the tent that held her father. He was standing up now, still looking a bit weak, though. she told him how she had the group leader. he was very alarmed at the fact. He lead her out of the camp as fast as human feet could carry the two of them away. He lead her back to the house and into the attic, and bolted the door tight shut.  "Get comfortable, Hanna. They can't reach us now. We should be safe here for another little while." He started to pry some of the boards from the east wall of the house. He pulled them off to reveal a secret passage sloping downward. He signaled Hanna down the passage. She went down and her father followed close after her. Once they were down, her father replaced the wall planks behind them and turned on a small overhead light that illuminated the small room that they were in. In the room were three small beds, one for Hanna, one for her father, and one for her mother, the mother who was no longer there. Her father opened a  drawer that was filled with food and water. Tons of it. Her father looked at Hanna and smiled. "It's not much, but it has food and it will keep us away from the Ravens. There is your bed." He pointed to the bed on the far right. All three of the beds had white sheets and blue pillows. Both seemed very new. Hanna sat on her new bed and made herself comfortable. She then looked in the drawer of supplied to see what was in there. She saw multiple boxes of food and water that would last them for many months, maybe even a year if they rationed it. She took a bag of hard bread that was on top of a large box of salted meat and handed it to her father. "Why don't we have a little meal?"

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