Find Your Way 4

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(MEANWHILE AT SCHOOL-James's point of view)

"So how do you know my Mommy?" Chad asks curiously

I hesitate "ahhh we're friends" I say

"Ha that's strange she's never mentioned you before" he looks up at me with familiar eyes but their not Ashley's 'that's strange'

"Oh I bet. We haven't seen each other in 5 years that's maybe why" I say

"Why didn't you see each other" he asks

"Because she moved away"

"You still could of called her"

"Naa she changed her number" I say now getting frustrated

"Well that's silly of her then" Chad smiles

"Chad" a mans voice calls from the doorway.

Chad turns running and jumping into the mans arms, the same one who was with him yesterday and looks about 24.

"Hey buddy how was your day?" The man says

"It was fun"

"That's great, now we better go see Mommy" the man says 'who I'm guessing is Chads father'.

"Bye Mr Maslow" Chad waves as they leave.

(ASHLEY'S HOUSE-Logan has gone home)

After I said goodbye to Logan I walked into the living room and sat on the couch with Chad as he was watching cartoons.

"How was school baby" I say running my hand through his hair.

"It was good, Mr Maslow said you guys are friends" he says with a huge smile

"Oh he said that?"

"Yeah he said you moved away and changed your number" why did you not talk to him when you left" he asks

"Well sometimes when people move away they lose touch and get busy then forget to call" Hoping that will satisfy him

"But why do you never talk about him Mommy?" He says rubbing his eyes

"I think it's time for you to go to bed because the sleepy monster has caught you" I say picking him up and taking him to bed as I avoid his question.


"Rise and shine Chad it's time for school" I say as I sit on his bed beside him.

"Morning Mommy" Chad smiles up at me

I smile back "morning, come on get dressed or you'll be late for school" I say as I leave the room.

'Beep beep' I walk into the kitchen as I hear my phone ringing and see its Logan.

I smile "hi Logan"

"Hey Ash"

"What's up"

"I was wondering if my best friend and her son would like to go to the carnival with me tonight?" He asks

"Well I don't know maybe you should ask them" I joke around

"Haha, so what do you say?"

"We would love to" I smile

"Cool I'll see you guys at 6.00" he says

"Ok bye" I say hanging up my phone

"Who was that Mommy?" Chad walks in with his shirt backwards

"That was Logan his invited us to go to the carnival with him tonight" I say as I fix his shirt

"YAY" Chad shouts jumping around

"Ok settle down, save all that energy for school" I smile as he smiles back

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