In the year 4055, the world has long recovered from the asteroid hits. Only the best has survived. They are smart and good looking...a dangerous combination as Kinsley Bell Nichols thinks. As the world and the human race recuperate from the near ext...
So Jayce decided to take me to the Keeper's headquarters provided that I be momentarily knocked out and wear a blindfold. He told me if I was awake I could count how many minutes it took us to get to the top secret building and also be able to feel which directions we're going. The blindfold is in case I wake up nearing the place. Like I'm that sneaky to go to lengths to find the Keeper's Headquarters.
When we got there he had to guide me so I wouldn't trip and fall. Eventually we stopped in a room and Jayce took my blindfold off.
"Kinsley meet my friend Asher Petersons, he's Elizabeth's boyfriend. You remember Elizabeth right from the party?" I looked over to a dude with a blanket around him chilling while watching a movie.
"Oh yeah is she the one who was beating up a dude because he offended her? Her brother was trying to flirt with me in French."
"That sounds like them," Asher answered back.
I liked him already. He had a down to earth kind of vibe that made me relax around him. He's perfect for Elizabeth. She brings the fire and he makes sure she doesn't go overboard.
"It's nice to meet you," I said reaching out my hand for a handshake. He looked at it, stood up, and gave me a proper hug.
My opinion of him just went up. The dude can seriously rack some lady scores.
All the sudden a loud clamor can be heard in the hall.
"No I totally won that bet," I saw a good looking boy say as he, Elizabeth, and Ethan walked in.
As soon as Ethan saw me he switched over to French.
"Mon amour , je savais que tu ne pouvais pas rester loin de moi," he took my hand and kissed it.
"Okay Romeo back away," Jayce said as unnamed dude and Asher were laughing and Elizabeth was rolling her eyes.
"Hey, I'm Tristan. You must be Kinsley. Ethan cannot stop talking about you even if it was a brief encounter at the bar.
"Nice to meet you," I said as I shook his hands.
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You just met some of the other Keepers. Two more insanely cute dudes😍 I don't know French so if you want to know what Ethan said just google translate it.