Chapter 30

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Third Person POV:

"Captain Drew Sickle right on the dot as always," President Jocelyn greeted him.

"Madame President, it's an honor to be given this mission. My men I have been preparing for a while now and I know we're ready for anything thrown at us," he said.

"Good, I know you are Captain Sickle. Remember if you need to pull out, pull out. I can't risk any more lives. I need you back here to help me fight this war."

Something flashed across the captain's eyes. Something dangerous. Pride. He will never pull out and his men will never leave behind their leader even if it meant death. A dangerous combination. Pride and loyalty can take down the greatest of men.

The president saw this and had a feeling this was the final goodbye to her favorite and best captain.

"Formalities aside, I wish you luck Drew," she said hugging him and giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek.

Kinsley's POV:

'Alarm Blaring'

I heard the alarms blaring. What in the world was going on!

I jumped out of bed and ran out of my room. Once I was out in the hallway, I ran to follow the group to the war room.

"What? What's going on!?!? Are we under attack!?!?!" I yelled hysterically.

"There's been a security breach," my mom explained calmly. How in the world is she calm!

"Are we under lock down?" I asked hating the feeling of being trapped.

"Not quite. Somebody hacked into our computer system. The computer sensed the invasion and instantly sent an alarm and shut down. I had that added in to prevent anybody stealing vital information. I should get it rebooted in just a second," she said as she typed in a bunch of codes.

"Here why don't you cover yourself up," Jayce walked over to me insistently wrapping a blanket around me.

I looked down and remembered I only wore booty shorts and a sports bra. I looked around and saw most of the single soldiers around the room were trying their best not to check me out.

"Thanks," I whispered to Jayce.

"Hey, no problem. I don't want other guys checking out my girl. He winked at me and gave me a cheeky smile while patting my cheek like I was a little kid.

The nerve!

"Okay, it looks like the Peacers tried sending us something, a video," my mom announced.

She pulled up the video so all of us can view it on the big screen. It was hazy and dark at first but then the video zoomed out.

"Hello Jocelyn," I saw my father's face appear on the screen, "it has come to my attention that you have sent some men to spy on me. Well, I can assure you your plan backfired. I now have your men and your just right in time to see some entertainment."

He walked across the dark room and chained on the walls were none other than Captain Sickle and his men looking badly bruised.

"Now they can either tell me key information on you or little by little they will be tortured. Let's begin with your little Captain Sickle. Tell me what the Keepers have hidden!" He ordered.

"NEVER!! I would never betray my friends!!" Captain Sickle yelled.

"Friends? Your friends are watching this and know of your predicament and yet no help or reinforcements come." He waved over a big man and had him punch Captain Sickle hard in the gut.

After a while, my father realized that he wasn't going to get any information. Sickle was too honorable to betray us and his men had unwavering loyalty to him that they'd rather face the same consequences.

We were forced to watch as my father's men repeatedly abused them. They were punched, kicked, and thrown across the room but they kept quiet. They wouldn't give their tormentors the satisfaction of even the slightest of groans.

My father eventually got tired of this and had his men drag them to a pool. They were roughly dumped into the pool and once my father gave the go-ahead they were electrocuted. At this, the men screamed out of pain. Their abused bodies couldn't keep the pain in no matter how they wanted to.

My father ordered for Captain Sickle to be taken out and placed in front of him, facing his men.

"This is what happens when you go against me," my father's voice boomed.

I saw Captain Sickle put a brave face on, the pride he had for his men clearly shown on his face. Even through the torture, his men still saluted him.

Captain Sickle's scream resonated through the room as my monster of a father gouged out his eyes. After intense bleeding, Captain Sickle died. His men, as well as I, had tears running down our faces.

They were mourning their loyal, brave captain.

I ran out of the room hating my father.

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