Chapter 19

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Sasuke's POV
(This part is Sasuke's dream)

I woke up and sat up straight in the bed. Naruto wasn't there?
"Naruto?...Naruto?!" I called out. I got worried.

I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I saw Naruto on the ground with blood dripping on every inch if his body.

"Naruto what happened??" I said with my eyes widen. "Y-you weren't s-strong enough.." He said weakly.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked with tears streaming down my face. "T-they came... Y-you couldn't p-protect m-.." Naruto stopped.

"Naruto?.." I said. No response. Naruto died right in front of me. "NARUTO!!" I screamed.

I shot out of bed. "NARUTO?!?" I screamed. "Sasuke!! What's wrong??" Naruto asked. I looked at him in relief.

I hugged him tight, he hugged me back finally realizing what is wrong. He kissed my forehead and went back to sleep.

"Cuddle me?" I asked with a pouty face. He nodded and wrapped his hands around me. I smiled as I peacefully closed my eyes again.

Naruto's POV
Sasuke and I got up and got ready for school. I held his hand as we walked down the street.

As the bell rang, Sasuke went off to his math class. I feel bad for him because he has math in the morning. Poor Sasuke.

Luckily, I wasn't alone in my 1st period. Kuzumi was in my class. Thank god she is, or I would've been bored as hell.

"Alright. Since its getting close to the end of school, we are going to take finals." My teacher Kakashi said. Everyone moaned and groaned.

"All this week we will be studying in all your classes. Next week are finals." Kakashi said. "Silliness will not be tolerated." Kakashi said.

Right after he said those words, the bell rang. I walked out if school and waited for Sasuke at our usual spot.

I waited for a while but Sasuke didn't come out if the building. I went too his house to see if he got there earlier.

Gah. I wasn't planning to staph rite here but oh well. I was tagged by Naruto_Uzu to do the 13 facts about me thing so here I go:

13 Facts about me

✏I like drawing Anime. Especially eyes. I'm pretty good at drawing them too.

✏I do Photoshop. Yes I'm getting the hang of that thing. (With the help of YouTube)

✏I watch Naruto. I adore Naruto. Its my show. If you don't like Naruto, then you are dead to me. So you better like Naruto.

✏Im a Kakashi-Fangirl. Judge me, I don't Care. All I can say is fuck off if you are.

✏I hate school. I want it to die.

✏Im a writer, well duh. I have been writing a lot. I have a lot of books in mind to make, but I want to do a few at a time.

✏Im weird.

✏My Bestie-Chans are Naruto_Uzu Slc10192002 GurlUCrazy Lps1684 PewdiePowerPuffs

✏I love all my followers!

✏I very friendly. But I can get very rude and stubborn at times.

✏I have weird conversations on Skype

✏My favorite colors is blue, black, and white.

✏I like dumplings and Naruto ramen

Well dere you go. But I'm not finished! I got to tag people.

I tag:










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