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*Aphmau's P.O.V*

I woke up and went outside of the office to see Laurance with a bloody nose, lip, eye, and mouth, And everyone was surrounding them....Garroth had Laurance pushed up against the lockers....I heard Garroth say, "Now will you let me have the girl!?" Laurance shook his head 'No'....Garroth punched Laurance in the gut making him cough up blood....Eventually moms and dads of Laurance and Garroth came up with the cops behind them. Laurance's parents pushed Garroth off him and hugged their son (Laurance) tightly Garroth's parents just stood there in shook....His mom eventually started crying over what Garroth did to Laurance.....His dad looked down at Garroth's hands....They were all bloody....Blood on the floor, all on Laurance....And even some on Garroth's face from Laurance coughing up blood.....Laurance was hugging his mom and dad....Soon enough Laurance passed out and Cadenza was told to call 911, and she did as told....Garroth was suspended and would not be at school for the rest of the year...The ambulance came and Laurance was sent to the hospital,....Thankfully Laurance's parents let me go since I begged them to. When we got there people told us, "I'm sorry but this is really bad...Were gonna have to make you stay out here until....Thank you for you time!" The docter said sadly with a fake smile on her face.

*Laurance's P.O.V*

I felt dizzy...I woke up to see blood all over my hands and my chest wrapped with bandages, I felt like I had a migrane, The docter walked up to me and said, "You are severly hurt.....And there are some people here to see you...Would you like to see them?" She said in a kind voice... I nodded. She opened the door and my parents and....Aphmau...? Came bargging in...Aphmau ran up to me and hugged me so hard that I could barely speak, "Aphmau......To.....TIGHT!" I managed to say. She let go for me to see tear running down her face. "A-Aphmau........." I said with a horsey voice. "Laurance....I-I-I-I'm.....Sorry....*Sniff* Just know I'm right here....Right here beside you....I-I love you..." Aphmau said being hugged from behind...My vision wasmt clear enough so I couldn't see who it was.... "I-I love you too..." And like that....I passed out from exhaustion.

*Aphmau's P.O.V*

I felt someone behind me hug me as I heard Laurance say before he passed out... "I-I love you too..." And like that...He passed out. I turned around to see who it was...It was my mom...Laurance's parents were out the door crying their heads off... "M-Mom!'' I said as I cried into her chest...She rubbed my back and she said, "So Aphmau...Tell me...What happened?" I explained all that happened and she just nodded in response. The door opened and I saw that it was Laurance's parents....  " *Sniff* Is he okay?" I heard Laurance's mom say between sniffs....It broke my heart...I nodded and me and my mom walked out of the room to see Cadenza sitting down by the wall with her head in her knee's crying....I looked back at my mom and told her to wait for me in the car. I walked by Cadenza and sat down beside her....

 I walked by Cadenza and sat down beside her

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"Cadenza...YOU should go check on him....He will be okay..." She nodded and we both got up at the same time.....She hugged me and I hugged back. I nodded to her and left out the hospital doors and to my moms car....And like that we drove off back to home.....I love you Laurance....I said in my head the whole way home..... All I can imagine is when I saw Laurance for the first time sitting under a tree talking with his group and playing with his necklace.....And when he looked back at me and smiled...I made me heart beat.....

I made me heart beat

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I love you Laurance......

-Words- 625

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