5. Cried

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Kill em with kindness music video was asdfghjkl! 😍😍😮 Selena's killing it!


Vanessa texted me the next morning. I obeyed her instructions. I pick out a white  fitted long sleeves crop top and a black skirt. She said to me that I need to wear the black heels and high pony tailed my hair. She also told me that I need to have a red lipstick which is surprisingly I have. I look at myself in the mirror. I sighed and put on my glasses.

"Morning, Mom, Dad, Louis." I greeted.

"Mama Mia! You're so hot!" Louis exclaimed. I looked down and quizzically look at him.

"Yeah, baby. You look hot as the pancake I'm cooking." Mom said. Dad just smiled. I shook my head and eat pancakes. Louis drove me to school and soon he drop me off. I sighed at the sight of the building. I walked in and stares is all I get. Girls gossiping about what brand of shoes I'm wearing and guys were hollering. I really don't like this kind of attention so I just go to my locker. Someone cleared their throat and it's Zayn.

"Hey!" I said. He smiled and hand me a single rose.

"Rose for a beautiful lady." He said.

"Thanks, Zayn. I really appreciated it." I said. He smiled and I caught off guard when he kiss my cheeks and walk away. I blushed and turn around when I saw a pissed Harry. I rolled my eyes and get my books for my classes in the morning.

"So, Zayn has a thing for you." He said in a monotonous tone. I looked at him and shut my locker door close. I was mad at him for calling me an attention seeker.

"Selena!" He said and followed me. I walk fast until he grabbed my arms and turn me around. Then, he saw me  crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. He took off my glasses and wipe my tears.

"You! I hate you! I hate you!" I continue saying 'I hate you's to him while punching his chest. He pulled me in for a hug until I became a complete mess while he's hugging me.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday." He said. I sobbed and continue to ruin his grey polo shirt. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks. He wiped some stray tears.

"I'm sorry." He said. I nodded and hug him again. He caressed my back and kiss my hair. He intertwine our hands as we walk to our class.

Lunch came by and I was in my locker. As I was getting my books, Harry appeared and lean by the lockers. I closed the locker door and face him.

"We need to get lunch." He said.

"I'm doing my home works plus I have a test in History later. I'm sorry." I said. He looked at me as if he's  testing me whether I am lying or not. He nodded. He grabbed my wrist and we headed to the library.

"I'm staying here." He said. I nodded and started reading. An hour pass and Harry looks bored.

"You know, you can leave me here. You look bored. It's okay." I said while I'm writing.

"No, I'm staying here." He said. I nodded and the school bell rings.

"Thanks for accompanying me Harry." I said.

"I don't want you talking to Zayn." He said. I furrowed my brows.

"And why is that?" I asked. He open the door for me and I thank him.

"Because people will suspect that you are cheating." He said. I thought his words for awhile and realize that he's right. I nodded and he walked me to my class.

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