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Chapter Fifteen;

Shell Cottage couldn't have been situated in a more beautiful location. Wildflowers grew amidst the long grass, swaying in the almost constant ocean breeze. The sea itself was beautiful; whether on a clear day, when it was the most astounding blue and sparkled like a thousand diamonds, or when the sky was overcast and the waters were grey and mysterious and powerful. Shell Cottage was a sweet little house on its own, and this was only amplified by the setting it found itself it.

Annie could have stared at the views all day, running up and down and taking note of all the wild plants that grew along the coast. It was one of the most beautiful sights ever.

Or it would've been, if Luna wasn't there.

Annie sat with her knees curled to her chest, cheek resting on them as she watched Luna beside her. The blonde was staring with admiration at several wildflowers she'd just picked, her dirty blonde hair blowing slightly around her face in the gentle breeze. A smudge of dirt was on her nose. Her lips were curled into a smile, her eyes were sparkling... And she was the most beautiful person Annie had ever laid eyes on.

"You could almost imagine there was no war out here," Annie whispered in time. "I'm more at peace than I've ever been since it was revealed You-Know-Who was at large again... I could easily stay here. Forget the world. With you... with everyone, that is. You included. You especially. You know what I mean."

Luna smiled. "I do," she murmured. She stared out at the ocean. "Sometimes, I think it would be easier to do just that. Leave everything behind and for once, find some peace in this world of darkness. But you know what, Annie?"

Luna turned around, looking directly into Annie's eyes. The usual mystical expression was there, but it was... diluted. There was something hard about that stare, something rooted to the mundane planes of the earth.

And then Annie started, and the light diminished. For she'd realised that Shell Cottage wasn't not, in fact, untainted by war. They were all haunted by it. Frowns were more often seen on people's faces, creases forming as a result of constant fear not just for themselves, but their loved ones. War had made them all grow up, harden, and toughen; it was, after all, the only way they could endure. It was seen in everyone's eyes – including Luna's. Annie was sure if she looked in the mirror, those same battle-hardened eyes would stare right back at her.

"What?" Annie breathed, gathering herself.

The redhead hitched in a long drew as Luna grasped both her hands and leaned closer. Annie couldn't help but notice how soft and warm they were – as well as how warm her cheeks were becoming.

"It's because we know that all those terrible things are happening that we can't give up," Luna said. "How could we turn our backs, and leave those people, our friends, to suffer? It... It would be horrible. And nothing is worth that." She bowed her head.

Annie swallowed. "You're right, of course," she murmured. "I couldn't live with myself if I left everyone behind. I know I need to fight but... It does take its toll." She thought back to Hogwarts – Hagrid had left, Luna could no longer walk in those halls, the Carrows ruled with black hearts and iron fists. Only the thought of Luna had been able to keep Annie holding her head high and able to keep resisting. The attacks were never-ending, but in the end, Annie knew if she kept resisting, she would only be stronger for it.

But even the strongest people broke; all it took was one small crack, that could later be exploited. Annie knew there were many cracks in her foundation, some of which grew by the day. But she was able to soldier on and repair those cracks over time, with the help of one person in particular.


The said girl smiled sadly and shuffled closer to Annie. "I know," she whispered. "When I was in that cell, there were times I wondered if I'd ever see the sky again. But I never gave up – every time I was about to fall, I remembered what I was fighting for, and w-who was depending on me, and kept going. Because though the world is dark, there are still things that are light and beautiful and worth fighting for."

The blonde raised the flowers in her hand and, after sending them a brief smile, reached over and tucked them behind Annie's ear.

"Little things like that... Let them remind you the world can still be beautiful," Luna whispered.

Annie hesitated, then flung her arms around Luna, holding her close. Luna held her back and they stayed like that for several minutes, savouring the precious moments of peace and tranquillity they knew wouldn't be able to last.

Over the past week, Annie had been stealing glances at Luna whenever she could. When they lay across each other, when Luna's eyes were closed and her hair falling in her face, a small smile on her face as she slept. When they ate dinner, and Annie asked for a second helping just for an excuse to look in Luna's direction without making it too obvious. When they were simply alone, and whenever Luna wasn't looking her way, Annie would sneak in another little look.

Every time, Annie's heart would race uncommonly fast, and she'd be left momentarily breathless. The fact that one person could make her feel like this made Annie feel a little terrified, but exhilarated at the same time. Every second was another step into the unknown, another step with the person who, to her, was the universe.

And every time when Luna looked back, Annie would divert her gaze to hide her flushed face and compose herself.

It was in those moments Annie would miss the way Luna looked at her, with the softest of smiles on her face, and her heart racing in time to Annie's.

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