Chapter 1:home sweet home

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Rose POV

I got off the boat from America visiting my uncle in Liverpool. He has a strict wife though who scares me. I looked at my brown hair and wondered if I look sophisticated enough for her. The boat finally stopped and the horn was blown. "Time to get off" I said to myself. As I slowly got off I saw my uncle. I missed him so much! He smiles widely and gave a big hug! We finally arrived at my home where I was born. Millions of memories came through my mind. "Now Rosie since your here in the middle of the school year you have to go to school!" My uncle said. "Can I go to art college I always loved art?" I asked him. "I don't see why not but promise you won't give up on your grades for anybody" He asked. " I Rosie promise" I said childish. "Hmm...ok" he said suspicious. I went to bed and started thinking "what will happen when I go to art college will I be picked on will I not fit in?" I asked my self. It was soon morning in Liverpool a very chilly but cool day. I decided to dress like Bridget Bardot to make a first impression. I left early so my uncle and aunt wouldn't see me dressed like that. They wouldn't understand. As I went to the college I was determined to be the best student I can be! The bell soon rung. Everyone was in their seats. This teddy boy style guy came in late. He sat right behind me cracking jokes making the smartest kids get teased. "Ello Ms...." he said to me. "Ms. Clavert " I said. He sat behind me and started chatting with his friends.

I have to admit he was cute...

Stop Rose you came here to be with your family and study art...

John tapped my shoulder "May I borrow a pencil." He asked.

"Um sure..." I said as I was handing a pencil.

Lettering class was boring I was so happy to leave there mostly because I couldn't learn anything because of John talking back to the teacher and cracking jokes.

Lunch started I didn't have any friends to sit with. This wasn't going to be fun...

I got a salad considering my vegetarian diet and I got some fruit like my favorite strawberries.

I looked everywhere for a seat with people but they were all saved. I plopped down on an empty table and sighed.

"Pardon me but may I sit here?" A voice said. I looked over and saw a cute man standing there with his adorable eyes. "Sure" I replied. "My name is Paul...McCartney and yours?" He said. "Rose...Calvert" I replied shyly. "Nice to meet you Ms. Calvert" he said with his sweet voice.

John came over.

Ugh well this is going to be awkward.

"Paul why aren't you sitting with the bloody group!" He said. "It's a little bit crowded I would like to sit here with this beauty!" He winked at me.

I blushed hard.

John looked at me then at Paul. "Sure hang out with the new girl..." John said. Giving me a face.

John left afterwards. Paul and looked at each other.

Sheesh this boy has nice eyes.

"So Rose how would you like to my friend..." he said with his kind eyes.

"Really I could use one of those" I giggled.

Another boy came he was younger than the boys I have met. He was with this other small boy with bright blue eyes. They were so dreamy.

Stop it Rose stop falling for guys you don't even know!

"Ello Paul...can I sit here Johns group is a little to crowded for me" The tall yet young boy said.

"Sure George the more the merrier " Said Paul.

They sat down.

"Who's the bird?" Whispered George.

"The names Rose...Calvert" I said holding out my hand.

"Nice to meet you." George said.

"This is Richard I met him at the cavern playing in his own band" George said.

I shook Richard's hand. "Nice to meet you Richard" I said politely. "The pleasure is all mine" he said than kissed my hand.

"Me and Geo have to leave for the next class nice meeting you see you after school hopefully..." Paul said as they left.

It was just me and Richard.

"You have beautiful blue eyes Richard" I said awkwardly. "Thanks, you have beautiful Hazel eyes" he said as we blushed.

"What class do you have next?" I asked.

"I have music" he said excitedly.

"Me too" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Well let me escort you Rose" Richard said.

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