Chapter Four

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It has been one month, and Raven's secret still persists. As she got closer to BeastBoy, Terra began to realize her plan was beginning to fall apart. While Raven was beginning to rely on BeastBoy she was slowly drifting apart from life. As she got closer and closer to the edge, Raven began to lose more and more of her emotions. Never more was bare, happiness stayed in her house all day. Knowledge stopped reading and sat alone all day. While sadness and depression and anger ruled over Nevermore. Sending Raven all these triggering thoughts. Although BeastBoy was there, she still felt nothing.

Raven's P.O.V
I still didn't want to leave my room, but somehow BeastBoy convinced me to come out for some breakfast. Although I know I'm too big to eat any breakfast I did want some herbal tea. My hood was up as I slowly walked down the hallway to BeastBoy's room.
He was leaning on his door and smiled when he saw me. "Hey Raven, you've finally come out of your room! This is improvement." He said too loudly. I didn't say anything back but walked with him down the hallway.

I was anxious to walk into the main ops room, but BeastBoy pushed me in there. I held my ground. "Come on Rae, we need to feed you and the others haven't seen you in a month." He said. I still held my ground. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way." He said. "Wait what?" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "BeastBoy put me down." I whispered screamed. "No not till you have breakfast with me." "Why can't I just eat in my room?" I asked. "Because I know you won't eat it." He whispered and I pretended I didn't hear him.

The whole room went silent as BeastBoy walked in carrying me. I knew they were talking about me, and how I never came out of my room. I didn't want to look at any of them but BeastBoy slowly set me down and I turned to face Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg. Anxiety rose in my chest. Thinking they all hated me but it stopped once Starfire screamed and gave me a strong hug. Basically squeezing me to death.

"Oh friend Raven I have not seen you in forever. We have all missed you!! You have gotten so tiny please eat some of the delicious waffles that friend Cyborg has made for us!!" She yelled. "I..Can't...Breathe." I managed to get out and Starfire let go quickly. "I'm sorry friend Raven." She said but she had a radiant smile still on her face. "Hey Raven, want some waffles?" Cyborg asked. "I'm just going to get some tea, I'm good." As I turned around to the kitchen they all gave each other worried looks.

"So we haven't seen you in about a month Raven, are you okay?" Robin asked. They all stared at me as I made my tea. "Yeah I'm fine just tired." I said and shrugged. "You look a bit pale, and thinner. Maybe you should eat some waffles with us. It might make you feel better." I didn't turn around so they wouldn't see the tears that had brimmed into my eyes. "No, I'm fine. I'll have something later." I said slowly. The tea kettle whistled as I poured some tea into my cup and slowly collected myself before I turned around to see four worried faces staring back at me. I couldn't breathe. I didn't want them looking at me. Not knowing what they were thinking. The window suddenly burst into a million pieces causing glass to go everywhere.

Shock crossed all of their faces and I took off to my room. I didn't want to hear anything I just wanted to be alone. They probably think it's all for attention anyway. As I ran quickly down the hallway I ran into someone the impact caused me to fall. "Hey watch where your going you ugly witch, you basically knocked me down with you fat body." Terra said glaring down at me. Flipping her hair she walked away and left me sitting on the floor. Tears fell down my cheeks and I picked myself up, which was hard to do.

I quickly walked into my room and slammed the automatic door behind me. I slid down the door, putting my head onto my knees and began to cry. My things flew everywhere but I didn't care anymore. Let my room be destroyed. I don't care, and I know everyone else will hate me when they find out. Everyone will leave me, and Terra will tell them how terrible I am. Or they already know how pathetic and broken I am.

I still leaned against the door, I stopped crying a while ago. And sat there emotionless. I wanted to stay here forever when the crime alarm went off sending me flying up and falling back down on the ground. I sighed and pulled my hood up slowly walking out of my room. When I reached the main ops room, everyone was staring at the screen. I froze when I saw who was attaching the city. It was Slade. We haven't seen him since he helped us defeat my father. I wonder why he is now against us, when he helped us. I guess he is truly an evil man.

We left the tower and piled into the T-Car. Starfire sat in the front while I sat in the back, luckily BeastBoy was in the middle. But Terra was basically all over him. Thankfully it was a short ride. We all ran out of the T-Car and looked at the scene in front of us. Sladebots were everywhere destroying stores and collecting metal and other random artifacts. The problem is they weren't actually taking anything, they would grab things and throw them in other places. This seemed like a weird plan, and it didn't add up. What was Slade's real plan?

"Titans Go!" Robin yelled as we all took off at the Sladebots. (Okay so I'm not good at fight scenes so I'm not going to write a fight scene, just imagine the Titans beating all the Sladebots but like Slade singles Raven out) I chased the Sladebot down the alley and ended up at a dead end. The Sladebot had disappeared but I felt something was hiding, or someone. "Hello Raven, haven't seen you since your father took over our dimension." He said coming behind me, my hands surged with power I was ready to fight. "You seem different, hmmm I've heard all about what your going through. I know everything." I stopped, fear was coursing through my whole body. "I don't know what your talking about." I bravely said. "Oh yes you do, it's written all over your face. Poor little depressed Raven. Such a shame too, I know the Titans won't miss you. But I'll miss these little chats of ours." He said laughing and he disappeared. I quickly looked around me, my heart beating fast in my chest. That one question was burning in the back of my mind. 'How did he find out?'

A/N hello friends, I know this sucks but I hope you all enjoy this story I know it might be bad but I will make it better promise. I'm so happy for summer, finally I have time to write stories and finish all of the stories I didn't have time to write over the school year. So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all again soon.

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