Tales of Beckhnate
Chapter 1
"I wondered why the world was huge yet so small, I just couldn't believe that out of all these universes, galaxies, planets. Earth was the only place that contained humans?. Maybe we weren't looking so close, maybe we were looking too far away to find something other than the human race. Maybe just maybe these creatures were among us or not too far away".I was so bored of hearing Lola talk about the so called "creatures" in Social Studies. I'm ok with the human race, I don't want any more complications! I was glad to hear the bell ring so I could get out of listening to Lola's crappy lecture about aliens. I packed my bag and made my way to the canteen to say goodbye to my friend one last time.
"I can't believe your moving to Argentina! I'll miss you so much!" said Rachel with a couple of tears in her eyes. She handed me a box and to be honest the wrapping was pathetic. I opened it and found a Sapphire in it wrapped with a little note saying "forever live the queen" Why would she write that? I ain't no queen! "It's for protection against the dark, Sapphires are stones that indicate safety" said Rachel. I thought it was sweet of her to spend her money on something so expensive but I couldn't really figure out what the note stood for, I ignored all the questions stirring up in my mind and thanked Rachel for the lovely gift. I was a a typical Catholic American girl living in Kansas with her two perfect parents who never swore in front of anyone.