Halloween party

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i woke up to havin blakes arms around me but within minutes im getting up and heading for the bathroom and bring the contents of my stumuck up and once i finished i brushed my teeth and went back into my room to get some clothes out my cupboard i look over to the bed and see blakes still sleeping thank god i cant be doing with him asking quetions just yet i will tell him tonight with that thought i left my rooma and went down to the kitchen and grabed a slice of toast and a drink of milk.

i was just finishing up when inwalks kaylz and ava and they are both talking and dont really see me untill i move and they both say good morning.

good morning how are this going for the party tonight is everything sorted for it, is there anything you need me to do cause i really need to keep busy today ava please. i ask.

she looks at me and then turns to kaylz and says "yes there is you can go into the ballroom and put the covers on the tables and put up the decorations and blow up the balloons and do anything you want to make it look great that would help me out big time".

ok thank we'll get started on it straight away once kaylz has had her breakfast ok.i say.

then kaylz looks at me and asks"are you alright izzi".

yes im fine just trying to help and keep busy so i dont bump into blake as much today i know if i spend to much time with him he will notice somethings off and ask what it is but i dont want him to know yet cause i know he will try and stop me going to the party if he finds out now. i say.

thats when i relise ava could here us and she turns to me and had the bigest smile on her face but she dose'nt say anything she just walks over to me and put a hand on my belly and looks at me and ijust say yes i am but blake does'nt know.

just then i here "blake does'nt know what"he says as he walks into the kitchen looking straight at me and i just smile and turn my whole body away from ava and say that you dont know that im decorating the ballroom for the halloween party tonight thats all i thought you would still be sleeping far at least a few more hours so why are you up this early i say to blake.

he is beside my now and says"im up because i notced you were nolonger in bed with me and i came down to find out where you were and to make sure you were alright after last night".

im fine babe dont worry its nothing to stress about ok. i say and give him a kiss then i tell him to go back to bed and get more sleep as he will need to be wide awake for to night.

with another kiss he turns round and walks out the kitchen and goes back to bed and i turn back to kaylz and ava and smile and say that was to close.

they just laugh at me so i get up and pull kaylz out the kitchen towards the ballroom and we get started with the black and orange table covers and the little siders and webbing and then we put up a few skelingtons around the room and put bats hanging from the ceiling and cover the walls in fake blood so it looks like there has been a blood bath in the room and then we go on to blow up the orange and black balloons  and putting them into place and after 4 hours we are done and it looks like a seen from a halloween movie with the grave stone and skelingtons and siders and webbing and fake blood on the walls the bats flying on the ceiling and the tables are covered and everything looked great then ava walked in and just stud ther frozen in place and then she turns to us and says"OMG how did you mange to get all this done in just 4 hours it looks brillent well its 3pm guys so i think you need to get somthing to eat and then go and start getting ready for the party".

thank you ava we have worked very hard to get the room ready i just hope everyone likes it and ye your right we better get something to eat and then make are way upstires as we need to get baths and make sure were all nice and soft befor we get into are dresses and meet the boys at the bottom of the stires so lets go. i say.

"ok lets get moving cause the party starts at 7pm witch leave us 4 hours to get something to eat and get washed,shaved and get dressed for it so lets move"kaylz says.

with that we head for the kitchen to get a sandwitch and then we head up stires and we both get a bath and do the things we need to do and then we meet in my room to get dress we start by doing my make-up light foudation and light lip gloss and i go for a blood red eye shadow and then i do my hair tieing half of it up and half down then i get into my dress and kaylz says" wow you look beautiful inthat dress" then i turn to kaylz and say right lets get your mak-up sorted we go with a black eye shadow and and black lip stick and very light foudation then i help her to do her hair witch we put half up then curl the rest and then she gets into her dress and we look in the mirrow and we both say WOW at the same time then we laugh and i turn to the clock and see its 5 to 7 time to head downstires and meet the guys come on.

so i pull her out the room and we head for the stires and we just reatch the top when the guys turn to looked up and we see the chins almost hit the floor as we start to walk down towards them and when we reatch them i say you two are going to catch flys if your not careful, with that there mouth snap shut and then i hear blake say"you look so beautiful i cant beleave that it you".

thank you you look great aswell shall we. i say.

then he takes my hand and we head for the ballroom and blake asks"do you want a drink".

i nodd and we make are way over to the drinks table were ava and dad are they both look wounderfull they turn to us and say" WOW you make a beautiful couple".

thanks dad. i say. then i turn to ava and tell her how beautiful she looks in her dress.

and then blake take my hand and leads me to the dance floor and we start to dance and after about 30 minutes we turn to go and get a drink and blake asks me"do you want one of these love".

i turn towards him and smile and reply no just a bottle of water please babe.

he looks at me and then says"what with you and not drinking and only drinking water and being very picky about what your eating".

i look into his eyes and then i lean in and ask him to follow me as we need to talk, he nodds so i take his hand and we head for the garden were we can be alone and have some fresh air aswell once in the garden i head for the seat thats in the middle of the garden and sit down blake sits next to me then asks"ok what is it you want to talk to me about love".

i take in a deep breath and then i turn to look away from his face and then i say so you know how i ended up in the toilet yesterday and well i did the same this morning so i did a test and it came back says that i'm pregent.

he does'nt say anything he is just frozen in place after 10 minutes i get up and run inside and head straight for my room but half way up the stires i bump into kaylz and jake they take one look at me and ask"what wrong izzi".

i look at kaylz and say i told him and he just sat there frozen for over 20minutes saying nothing i told you he would'nt want the baby so know i'm going to my room i want to be left alone so make sure everyone does ok.

kaylz gives me a hug and says "sure no problems hun we see you later" i just think that myself ye that if im still here, then i left them and went into my room and packed a bag and then i left though my window so no one would know i had left andi jump in my car and drive away after20minutes of driving i pull over and pick up my phone and call my mum to see if i can go there.

my mum anwser on the second ring and i tell her what happened and that i had left but had nowere to go and i didnt know what to do anymore the only thing i do know is that i'm not getting rid of the baby.

then she say"why don't you come stay here with us for awhile ok sweetheart". and then we hung up and i headed for my mums.

once i got there mum was at the door with a sad smile on her face and then she pilled me into a hug and then lead me to a room and told me to rest and we would talk in the morning everything will be better after a goodnight sleeps so i go have a shower and then i get into bed and cry myself to sleep.

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