that night

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i looked over at my bedside table just to see it was 4am and when i looked back at blake   he glanced back to see me smiling shyly, then i dropped his gaze, and cleared my throat and murmured, "Thank you for... I'm sorry I didn't -- I'm not usually so selfish in -- I mean, you didn't get to -- I should have -- "

Blake chuckled and silenced my stumbling apologies for what i thought had been a one-sided activity with a kiss. The passion immediately leapt back to life between us, but he broke it off before he could get carried away and forget to say what he wanted to. He responded to each of my stumbling attempts at apology one after the other.

"You're welcome. I did. You weren't selfish, and I did get to... "

When i blinked at him with confusion, he explained, "We merged, Izzi. I experienced everything you felt -- including the orgasm -- as my own."

"You did?" i asked with surprise.

Blake chuckled and nodded. "I'm not surprised you didn't realize it. The first time is overwhelming. You'll be able to tell next time."

"So there will be a next time?" iasked shyly.

"I certainly hope so," he said solemnly, brushing one finger lightly down my cheek and drawing my face up. "Right now if you like. I want to make love to you as the sun rises and burns away the night."

i gave a little shiver, then slid my arms around his neck and pressed up to rub my breasts across his chest.

"I'd like that," i whispered against his mouth, then Blake kissed me.

i was heat and life in his arms, my body soft to his hard, delicate against his strength. Growling into my mouth, Blake eased my back on to the bed, and lay on his side next to me as he kissed and caressed me. My skin felt like warm velvet under his fingertips, but it was alive, muscles and flesh rippling as his palm slid over my stomach. He closed his hand over one breast and kneaded it gently as he thrust his tongue into me.

i gasped into his kiss, my body arching upward as my own hands began to move up his arms, then down his chest, and then i opened for him, my mind merging with his, and he knew my desire to caress him and kiss every inch of him, and he smiled around our kiss. I felt perfect, tasted perfect, smelled perfect, was perfect for him.

Blake rolled forward and slid one leg between mine, urging them apart as his thigh rubbed against me. He felt one of my small hands drift down his stomach, and his abdomen rippled in anticipation, then stilled on an indrawn breath as i closed my fingers around his hardness.

i murmured my pleasure into his mouth and tightened my clasp on him, then drew my fingers down his length. Blake bucked under the caress and felt my own hips buck in response as i experienced his pleasure.

Unable to concentrate on our kiss anymore, he tore his mouth away and shifted to suck mindlessly at any flesh he could neck, my shoulder, my breast. His fingers were kneading the flesh of my breast with mindless excitement as he suckled me, his hips continuing to move under my caress. It was too much, it had been too long, and the earlier round had barely taken the edge off. If we continued like this, he knew he would spill himself in my hand and would not get to make love to me properly, out bodies merging like our minds and becoming one.

"Yes," I gasped, now as aware of his needs as he was of mine. i shifted my legs farther apart and tugged at his erection, urging him to enter me, but Blake resisted. Instead, he slid a hand down between my legs and brushed his fingers lightly over the folds there. i was wet and ready for him, but still he resisted, taking the time to torture us both just a little bit more as his fingers slid between the folds and caressed the hard nub at the center of my desire.

i cried out, my hand tightening around him and my hips bucking, and Blake was hard-pressed not to bite down into the flesh of my breast as his own body was washed with waves of need, both mine and his own. Giving up any attempt to draw it out, he shifted abruptly, settling between my legs as my hand dropped away and moved to clutch at his shoulders

Blake paused there, above me, and peered down into my face. My cheeks were flushed with excitement, my eyes spilling golden fire, and my mouth was open as i gasped with desire. He suddenly wished he was a painter and could paint me just like this, then he bent to cover my mouth with his own and drove into me.

i was tight and hot, my body gloving him and squeezing around his flesh as if to keep him there as i thrust my own hips up to meet him and we both groaned at the shared feeling. Then he slowly withdrew, only to thrust back in again, this time shifting forward as he did, so he rubbed against my sensitive nub. The result was electrifying for us both, and i clutched at his shoulders, urging him on.

Laughing breathlessly into my mouth, Blake withdrew once more, and did it again and again, the excitement becoming more unbearable with each movement. my nails scored his skin and i tore my mouth from his, pressing it to his shoulder instead as my legs wrapped around him, changing the angle again, then he drove into me once more and stiffened, his head rearing back and a roar slipping out to match the scream ripped from my throat as the pleasure snapped, consuming us.

When it finally rippled away, Blake body went limp and he rolled to his side, taking me with him so that i lay splayed across his chest, my head on his heart. His last sight as his eyes closed was my face framed in the sunlight spilling through the window.

when we woke up it was to someone hammering on my bedroom door so i shoughted to who ever it was to come in.

when the door opened it revield kaylz and jake with very big smiles on there face's just standing there looking at us in bed cuddleing up and thats when i went red in the face and said what do you want banging on my door at i looked at the clock and saw it was 11am then continued looking at them to find out what it was.

kaylz looks at me and said"im sorry for waking you but i just thought you both might like to join me and jake for lunch and that you dad called and said he would be back around 1 this afternoon just thought you might to get up befor he get home and tidy the hallway up from your clothes".

i went even redder with that i didnt even think about the clothes yet and could beleave i had'nt cause if dad had walked into find them he would have gone mentle with me so i turn to kaylz and jake and say thanks for waking me up i we would love to go for lunch with them after i get dressed and tidy up my mess downstaires.

kaylz says "that's fine and she will meet us in the living room"with that they closed my door and went down stairs.

I thought i was alone but then.Where stories live. Discover now