Chapter 5

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                Danny watched Isabel and Kenny run off, simultaneously watching Duncan prepare for battle.

Duncan knows what he's doing. He's fought Kaiju before, I'd just be in the way. Then again, could it hurt to have help and minimize area damage? Danny decided to fight. Isabel and Kenny will just have to assume I got out and couldn't find them until after the battle.

Duncan proceed to leap through a window to engage the Kaiju. The massive being stood tall, its head matching a magnificent stag, antlers and all. However, it was hard to enjoy the majesty when the bottom half resembled a tarantula. Eight hairy legs, each hair like a supersized porcupine spine. Then the tail looked exactly like a mace, jagged bone sticking from every which way, making the death-ball even worse.

The Kaiju roared, (reminding Danny of Vlad's animal experiments,) and swung its tail at Duncan. He caught the giant bone ball and skidded back several dozen feet. Danny heard him groan in pain. A sharp edge must've gotten his hand, Danny reasoned. The Kaiju quickly bucked at Duncan, sending a spine right along his skin. Well, scales. Duncan leaped high into the air and brought his fists down together on the Kaiju's back. The monster buckled under the force and caused a massive cloud of dirt to engulf them both.

Danny hovered just outside the cloud, waiting for his chance. An antler swooped out from inside the dirt storm and smacked Danny out of the sky. He created his own little crater in the ground.

"I pretty much asked for that." Danny muttered. He shook his head and rocketed back into the sky. By now the dirt storm was beginning to settle, allowing Danny to see the Kaiju and Duncan. Danny fired a large ecto beam at the beast's face. The Kaiju's head twisted partially around from the force. The monster brought its massive head back around to stare at the ghost child. Danny, for a moment, felt a loss of blood in his face before adrenaline brought it back. Duncan saw that the Kaiju was distracted and punched out one of the eight legs.

The Kaiju screamed and held the leg just off the ground while swinging the tail once more. Duncan jumped over the living mace and landed cleanly on the Kaiju's back. At once the creature began bucking and squealing. Danny flew underneath the Kaiju and shot ice at the joints of every limb. The monster roared and continued its attempt to jump around haphazardly, forcing Duncan to grab the loose skin on the Kaiju's back. Danny shot away from the beast and looked back. Again an antler came flying from seemingly nowhere and knocked Danny far from the battleground. Danny watched the ground come up to him and turned in time to land. He grunted, grabbing the ground while still moving at high speed, and feeling the unforgiving gravel tear at his suit and skin.

Once he stopped, Danny sighed and looked up at the Kaiju. It screeched as Duncan gripped its tail and began spinning. They got going faster and faster until Duncan finally let go, sending the Kaiju deep into the canyon lands. Its cries of helplessness faded away to the point where Danny couldn't hear it anymore, let alone see the monster. Danny flew over to Duncan's side and raised his hand.

"Up top!" Danny smiled.

"No thanks. Who do you think you are?" Duncan just about growled.

"A guy who helped you. What, would you have preferred if the fight had been longer and more damaging to its surroundings?" Danny's hand lowered with his voice. "You should at least say 'thanks' and leave it at that."

"You don't get it. The Kaiju race is going to think I'm getting weak by accepting help for simple battle! My dad will probably grind me into the ground for letting you help, while letting the Kaiju live, too." Duncan angrily stated.

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