Chapter 10

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                Thursday, One Week after visiting Belloc.

Once again, the internet provided nothing on potential whereabouts of ghost portals. Danny groaned and leaned back in his chair, in his room. If only I had the Infini-Map. I could be home in the blink of an eye.

A soft knock came to Danny's door. He shut his computer screen off and went to open it.

"Danny, dinner's ready. Are you feeling okay?" Allie distressed, trying to peer through the crack in the door.

"I promise, I'm fine. Really." He assured her, blocking her view of a messy room. "I'll be out in a minute." The door closed gently. I'm not sure if I can keep this whole ghost thing a secret from her much longer. Danny supposed.

"It's not like I can walk up to them and say, 'Hey, I forgot to tell you that you adopted a human-ghost hybrid kid. Also, this kid is the king to the entirety of the ghost race." Danny muttered. He invisibly stuck his head through his door to make sure Allie hadn't heard that. To his relief, she wasn't even there.

He opened the door, shut it and locked it, and went to the kitchen table. Katie and Max bounced in their seats as Brandon brought the enchilada dish to the middle placemat. Danny sat down at the same time Allie did.

"Danny... if you need to tell me anything, just say so." She told him.

"I will." Danny promised. Brandon started dishing out the enchiladas, which helped drop the topic. At this point, Katie and Max began blabbering about their school day.


Thursday, That Night.

Danny took one last look at the computer screen, as if the search results for portals had come up with something new. With a sigh, he shut down the browser and turned the computer off. He stood up only to have a blue wisp of air escape his lips.

"Hey, aren't you King Phantom?" A child asked from behind him. Danny whirled around to the child; a young girl, with a single ponytail. She wore a bright pink dress, partially in tatters, with a red rose on the front.

"You are a smart little girl. Do you need something?" Danny assumed. The girl giggled and covered her mouth.

"Well..." She clasped her hands together behind her back and rocked on her feet. "I'm looking for someone to play with me. Will you come outside?" She begged with a large smile.

Danny took a moment to look outside, at the darkening sky that filled with tiny stars. A quick glance at his digital clock told him it was 8:14.

"I guess I've got enough time. What are you wanting to play, uh... by the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Sarah! I wanna play ball." Sarah summoned a medium sized, orange rubber ball and held it out for him to see.

"Alright, let's go play." Together they phased through Danny's wall and prepared on the lawn. Danny's eyes quickly scanned the neighborhood; there was no one in sight. Sarah tossed the ball high into the air. Danny caught it and pretended to fall down from the weight. As the cold grass leaned both away and into his skin, he heard Sarah laughing.

They continued to toss the ball back and forth for what felt like forever when Sarah finally yawned.

"I'm tired. I'm gonna go home now. Thank you for playing with me." Sarah rubbed her eyes, picked up the ball and walked down the sidewalk until she became a pink mist and faded out of view. Danny glanced down at his watch. 10:48. Time flies when you're with ghosts. Danny went back to his window, peeped in to check if the coast was clear, and intangibly jumped through his wall.

Firebreather X Danny PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now