Chapter 23

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"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Danny raged. He clutched his hair and dropped to his knees, completely forgetting about his leg. "I was so close..." His voice cracked. "To finally going home..."

"Hate to ruin the moment, but what is going on?" Troy asked, frustrated. "And who the crap is this guy?" Pointing to the Fright Knight.

"Mr. Insensitive." Jenna muttered under her breath.

"Alright." Isabel sighed. "First, Danny's home is not in this world. He's from a parallel earth and midnight was his only chance at getting back, but he missed it to save the city and all our lives."

"And you may call me the Fright Knight; I am King Daniel's military commander. Those who oppose him shall face my wrath!" He raised his sword high into the air, then pointed it at Troy and his friends.

"...What...?" Troy repeated.

"For crying out loud. Troy, I'm half human and half kaiju, right?" Duncan said.

"Once a freak, always a freak." Troy sneered.

"Danny's half human and half ghost." Duncan said, sliding closer to Troy to whisper, "And he's a lot stronger than I am."

"Whoa! You mean...?"

"Yeah. I busted your friends' car and put you in the locker that one time, along with 'vanishing' whenever you guys chased me." Danny finished with a smirk. "I'm sorry about the car thing though. There were so many different ways I could've gotten out, but I panicked."

"So, you're a king?" One of Troy's friends asked.

"Also correct. In the same way Duncan's dad is King of the Kaiju, I'm King of the Ghosts."

"That's actually pretty cool." Another one commented.

Suddenly a M.E.G.T.A.F. jet screamed across the sky, coming back to land close to the Kaiju. Blitz came running out and over to the teens.

"Sorry M.E.G.T.A.F. wasn't here sooner. That blasted thing destroyed a large part of the base, including transportation. Looks like it was one heck of a battle too." He remarked, seeing the scene and Danny's leg.

"You're not gonna take me back there, are you?" Danny flinched.

"Nah son. Don't really have a place to put you anyway." Blitz replied. "But we've got extra equipment especially for situations like this."

"Your Majesty, what will become of the rogue ghost?" Fright Knight asked.

"I'd want him to be returned to the Ghost Zone, and handed over to Walker." Danny answered. "Except for the fact we have no way back to the Ghost Zone."

"I could sheathe my sword in a pumpkin, if you command."

"No, no. And finding a pumpkin this time of year isn't in our favor."

The others stared at them, confused. When the Fright Knight went to retrieve Jackal's unconscious body, Blitz snapped out of it and waved signals to the pilot. The aviator gave a quick thumbs up and started talking into what appeared to be a radio.

Blitz returned his attention to Danny. "You take care of the ghost, I'll handle the Kaiju. After all, M.E.G.T.A.F. is better at managing titans."

Danny chuckled and nodded in agreement. That's when a metal object smacked him in the back of his head. "Ow! What the heck?" He rubbed his head and picked up the mystery item. The Booomerang...? As he stared at the device, he heard rockets in the distance.

"Aw great. Is that thing good or bad?" Duncan moaned.

"Good. Very good." Danny responded; his face lit up as it got closer. "It's called the Specter Speeder."

The flying tub reached their location, parking only a short distance away.

"Danny! Is that you?" Sam yelled once the hatch was open.

"Sam!" Danny cried out and flew over. They came together in a big hug, Sam causing them to spin. Tucker and Jazz hurried out of the Specter Speeder to create a group hug.

"I'm so glad to see you're okay, little brother." Jazz said just before kissing the top of his head.

"Aren't you glad I had us stop to grab the Infini-Map?" Tucker said. "And he's not quite okay. Your leg dude. What happened?" He asked, breaking up the reunion.

"Oh, you know. The usual." Danny brushed it off.

"Really? Does it have anything to do with that thing over there? And the surrounding damage to this place?" Sam pressed, practically scolding him with questions.

"Ok! The thing over there is a Kaiju and yes, my leg got caught in its jaws. As for the wreckage, you just missed the fight."

Danny led them over to the others. "Sam, Tucker, Jazz, this is Duncan, Kenny, Jenna, Isabel, Blitz and Troy." Gesturing to each in succession.

"What about us?" Troy's friends complained.

"Sorry, I don't know any of your names." Danny shrugged. "And this Sam, Tucker and Jazz."

Blitz spoke up first. "Did I hear you right? You're Danny's older sister?"

"That's right." She smiled. "I'm also sure that our parents will be happy to have him back."

At that moment, a small bit of movement caught Danny's eye. He turned his head to see Brandon. It was clear he had heard the last part. Brandon began to walk away.

"Give me a minute, guys." Danny said, leaving everyone else and somewhat hobbling over to Brandon.

"You don't have to explain yourself. You're going home, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I still want to come visit every once in a while. You, Allie, Katie and Max are practically family. Who knows? Maybe I could bring a present or two on a special occasion." Danny winked.

"Ha-ha! I'm sure the twins would enjoy that. Be sure to follow through with it. And... take care." Brandon sighed. Without waiting for a reply, he left.

With the all the action having died down, the Kaiju's body being carried away by helicopters and with dawn approaching, it was time that Team Phantom returned home. Good-byes were all over the place, as well as tears. Danny pulled Duncan away from the group.

"I want to give you something to remember me by." Danny held out his hand and formed an ice crystal. Then he infused it with ghost energy, giving it a green glow. Danny placed it in Duncan's hand.

"Cool. And easy to carry around." Duncan said, twisting around in front of his face.

"It can also be used to contact me if you ever need my help again."

"Thanks a lot. I definitely won't be forgetting any of this anytime soon." Duncan replied, looking back at everyone.

"Danny! Get in, we're leaving!" Sam called over. Tucker had placed the Infini-Map on the console, while Jazz sat in the driver's seat. Danny could only assume that the Fright Knight was already in the back. Danny floated over and hung out of the side door. He waved as the Specter Speeder hummed to life and lifted into the air.

A ghost portal appeared on the horizon, according to the map. The Speeder took off, aimed directly for the swirling green vortex. It quickly disappeared inside and the portal vanished behind them.

Duncan stared at the spot it had been for a few minutes until Jenna got his attention. He looked down at the glowing crystal in his hand, then to the group of people, and back down. Duncan smiled and began walking over, silently stuffing the cold crystal in his pocket.


The End.

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