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Day CXIV: I sat peacefully on the grassy floor enjoying the favorable sounds of my lute as the sun shone through the spaces inbetween the trees just when I was getting to the climax of the song my lute was forcefully blown out of my hands, an arrow piercing its body.

I stood face to face with a person. he didn't have the scent of a purist so he was a human. he held a box to my face while i held a sword. who would win?. how'd he get here? it wasn't time for the heat so how did humans get here.

(NB: The heat is a day annually held when the forces become weak and humans who are brave enough can enter.)

His next move wasn't anticipated as he disarmed himself bursting into laughter. 

"Calm down, okay. I'm not here to kill anyone" he says "I just got kinda.... sorry about your guitar thing."

"Who are you?" I ask, my sword now itching to cut his throat. Noticing the look in my eyes, he put up his hands defensively.

"Hey the name's Brian, and you?" he stutters

"There's no need for you to know!" I shoot back

"Hey, that not fair!" he whined

I ignore him "if you're human then probably go back to your world before I would have to kill you."I say turning my back on him.

I could feel his poking stares on me, sizing me up but I just shook it off. although, soon after, he walked away in silence.

Day CXV: The heat had started to take it's toll on the world but luckily we were having close to zero human activity but just in case, I assigned people to each of the gates while I handled the west gates. I finished taking my rounds so I just sat repairing my lute when out of nowhere, another arrow struck it nearly grazing my face.

"I knew I would find you!" says a squeaky cheery voice.

Bursting through the bushes was that boy again with his confounded bow. I remained silent as I stared at this idiot of a boy. brown curly hair with a thick muscled body dressed in a shirt and shorts.

"yes!" he announces happily "I never got your name!"

"because I said you did not need to know. this is not a place for humans... go home!" I shout

"hurtful" he whimpered "at least use my name.'

"ok!" I said biting my lip "get the fuck out of here."

Normally I wouldve killed him by now but something intrigued me about this boy. Suddenly, a deep bellow of a horn was heard. on instinct, I jumped up my sword in my hand.

"What's the horn for?" he asks eyebrows raised.

"Demons." I say


"Do you think its only humans that can come in here during the heat? its heading our way now GET DOWN!" I snarl

"Get what!" he shouts flabbergasted.

But before I could answer, a flood of fireballs came at us. I dodged pushing him out of the way twisting my sword like a baton in my hand to deflect the remaining but I didn't have time to catch my breath as the enemy revealed itself, a foot long robot like bull creature armed with guns and missiles on each side. It lunged at me, throwing a fireball as I dodged which hit me throwing me into a tree. I stood up wiping the newfound blood on my lips, he couldnt defeat me that easily. I summoned my powers, moving with lightning speed unable for him to detect impaling him with my sword but he too retaliated with a power punch to the stomach making me falter yet not enough to make me let go, giving my own supercharged kick to its metal ass sending it flying, exploding in the air. I enjoyed the victory full on before the effects of his hit overwhelmed me with pain. I collapsed to a kneeling position panting hard trying to keep down the pain.

"Are you okay?" asks Brian concerned.

"I'm ..... fine" I manage to say before vomiting out the contents of my stomach mixed with some blood.

"Doesn't sound good to me. lie down" he says patting my back gently.

With reluctance, I obeyed his whims allowing him take a look at the bruise on my stomach. He pressed it a little making me grab his hand squeezing tightly.

"Okay, I'll be gentle." he says. Little by little, his work began to take effect as the pain dulled to numb ache. i closed my eyes breathing in a little before looking at him. There was a gash by the side of his head.

"Hey, stop. you're also injured." i say

"Doesn't matter." he replied.

"Yes it does, you're human. You can get infected." i shoot back

"Yeah but, your is more severe and I cannot just let my friend die or be in pain." he retaliated

"Friend? you barely know me!"

"So what!" he shouts stopping the conversation. i felt blood rush to my cheeks. that was the first time someone called me that. i looked into his eyes, it was full of hurt.

"Immortal Royalty." I blurted out

"What?" he asks confused

"Call me that. Immortal Royalty."

DAY CXX:  As the days grew so did my interest in this human boy. for some reason, he continued to destroy my lutes with his arrows anytime he wanted to find me. We would talk and laugh day after day and at night my heart would ache for not having him by my side.It was lonely here apart from Briggs, a monster who can shape shift into human but otherwise that he's merely an animal.

"Hey Royalty, whats up?" he asks irritated distracting me from my thoughts. I look away from him quickly putting a hand on my chest. This was the part I hated, these sudden feelings that would come when I was around him. I was falling for him and that couldn't happen. I was a purist and he was a human.

"Royalty, you look sad." he says

"It's nothing." I say standing up. "I think it would be better if we dont be friends anymore." I say coldly walking away.  Soon the walking turned to running.

Was I mad? How could I just say that? I must be very stupid.... stupid..... stupid!

Suddenly I feel a tight grip on my hand pulling me back. I turn around to meet his hazel eyes

"Hey, royalty, what did I do wrong? did I offend you?"

"No. you didn't, I did."

"What mistake could you have made?" he says rubbing my cheeks.

I swatted his hands away "My mistake was making friends with you! I'm a purist for God's sake. I cant fall for a human... It's forbidden. Yet, see how far I've fallen for you." I rant the tears now pouring. he stares at me probably disgusted. Next thing he grabs me, his lips to mine. I tried to move away but my body went on automatic wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He lowered his hands around my waist kissing harder before we both pulled away panting.

"I'm so sorry," he says jumping back. "It's just that..."

"Shhh" I say holding his hands. "I'm sorry too" I say interrupting his reply with another kiss. Sparks were flying in my head. I didn't want it to end yet deep in the back of my mind, something bad was about to happen but I guess I fell victim to love's poisonous bite

THE STORY OF IMMORTAL ROYALTYWhere stories live. Discover now