Suprise visitor

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Surprise visitor
Casey P.O.V

I wake up hearing a loud crash and my friend poking me.
"Casey" I hear my friend say. "Did you hear that loud crash?" She asks me. I look up and scream as I see two shadows on the ground.
"What" she says as she turns on the light. We both look onto the ground and see two boys laying there.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask the boys as they get up off the floor.
"I'm Hayden and this is Samuel," the boy replies.
"Okay. Now what are you doing here? Also how did you et over the wall?" I say as I try
to keep calm.

"Ya, your going to get us in trouble if you don't leave," my friend, Anna says.

"Why are you guys so worried about getting in trouble? I mean you would only get a suspension and Hayden brother showed us how to get over the wall," Samuel says calmly. I look at Anna and give her a weird look that says what are they talking about.

"What do you mean we would get a suspension? If we were caught with you then we could end up in jail or even dead," Anna looks at them as if they were crazy. I turn my head to the door way hearing something fall. I see my twin sister standing in the door way looking at the two boys with a worried expression on her face. Just then we heard sirens going off.
"That's it, you have to go now!" I say as I push them towards the window.
"Fine we're go."

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