Where's Mr. Gold?

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Chapter 4

"You said the first time the portal open it was in the barn. We need to check there and see if the vase is still there." I said, taking off in the direction of my car. Emma gets in the passenger seat, while hook hops in the back.

        We arrived at the barn, as we head inside to take a look. I felt a chill run up my spine. I look over to Emma. "Did you feel that ?" "Yeah, it feels stronger here then in town." She mumbled. "The source must be close then." We ventured in farther, to find what look to be a silver urn. Covered in frost I been down to examine the urn. As I reach out to pick it up, it shatters into pieces. "That's just great..." I mutter to myself.

"What's going on...?" Oh, no..I would know that voice anywhere, Robin. I quickly gather up the pieces of the urn. While glancing over my shoulder, I see Emma and Hook making their way over to Robin and little John."What brings you two here.?" Asked Emma. " Marian, heard something strange coming from this direction. And we said we'd check it out." Said little John. "So...How's the misses.?" Hook had the stupidity to ask. I peek over my shoulder just in time to see Emma elbow him in the side. "Um, she's fine. Just settling in." Robin mumbled, mostly to himself.

After I finished putting the broken pieces into a bag I summoned from my vault. I turn to face the others. Who were already looking at me. "Regina..."

"Robin." I said looking towards my feet. "Well, I must be going now. I- ah have to get this to Mr. Gold. See if he remember's what it held." I said holding up my bag. I went to walk past when he grabbed my arm. "Can we talk, alone..?" I look at him cautiously before pulling my arm away. "I don't think that's a good idea. And besides I have to see Mr. Gold." I said walking away. Just to stop a few feet away. To look back at Emma and the one hand wonder. "Are you coming?" I said in Impatiently. "Uh, yeah." Emma said, nodded at little John and Robin. She and hook finally got back in the car.

      As we pulled up to Gold's pawn shop. I was the first one to get to the door. Just to be met with a letter. "You've Got To be kidding me.."
      "What's wrong.?" Emma said coming up beside me. "Well, it looks like gold won't be back for a few days. Considering he wants privacy for his honeymoon."

       " I can't believe it the crocodile actually went and got married." Hook remarked. Glancing at Emma. " Can't we just summon gold.?" Emma asked. "We could love, but do we really want to disturb a man on his honeymoon." Hook said winking at Emma as she blushed. Oh for God's sake...  "Will you two get a room.  And stop making doe eyes at each other for one moment." I semi shouted. "Sorry, it's just everything that's been going on I-I .." I stuttered out.

     "I get it. I felted the same way when I saw Neal with Tamara." Emma said, as hook coughed behind her.  "Yes, but you had years I didn't. That's the difference between you and me. Emma . I... just forget about it. Let's just summon gold and get this over with.

    " I summon thee, Dark One..!" I said looking around.  Nothing. Where the hell is he.  " He's not going to answer you... " I turn towards the voice. To be met with the evil queen leaning against Mr. Gold's building. "Go away." I muttered. " what ..?"Emma asked, grabbing my arm. " It's nothing." I said pulling away. " It doesn't seem like nothing." Hook stated. I closed my eyes and reopened them to see gold instead of , her. "I know you not the smartest group but I at least thought you could read I simple sign. Rolling my eyes I handed him the bag with the pieces of the urn. "We need to know what was it this." He took the bag. And nodded for us to follow him inside.

    He emptied the contents of the bag onto the counter top. He waved his hand over it, as a purple cloud surrounded it. Once the magic subsided it was whole again. " How, how did this get here..? Last time I saw this was in the Enchanted Forest at the Dark Castle. In a closed off room" he rose his eyes away from the urn and towards us. " Well..? Am waiting!" He said, tapping his fingers on the counter.   "It came though the portal with us, When we came back from the past." Emma said.  

      "Do you have any idea what you've done.? What you brought back with you.?" He said angrily.  "No, that's why we came here... So just tell us already.!" I Simi shouted. " Fine,  have you heard of a place called Arendelle.?" Me and hook nodded, Emma just looked confused. "So you know of how Queen Elsa lost control of her powers. Froze over Arendelle and in doing that, lost the one person she loved. Her sister, Anna." 

     "Hold on, this is sounding a lot like the movie frozen... But, that only came out, Well not even a year ago." Emma said, while hook sniffled a laugh. "What..?" She asked. "Nothing, we just find that funny. Cause you live in a town full of Fairy tale characters." I said smirking.

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