No Heart Or Frozen Heart..?

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Chapter 8

The look on Robin face, after I said those three words. We're so heart-wrenching. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. I can't believe I just did that. As soon as he left, I turned to look at the others. Emma was the first to speak.

"Regina, do you really not remember.?" She asked coming to sit at the end of the cot. "Of course I remember," I said, I little too harshly. I closed my eyes and took a sharp intake of breath. "I'm sorry," I said, standing up. I looked to Gold, Emma, Hook, and the Uncharmings. "Look, I would really appreciate it if you all keep it a secret," I said, Conjuring my black coat from my closet. And slipping it on.

"But Regina, I thought you loved Robin." Snow said. "Yea, you just can't give up on him," Emma said, coming to stand right in front of me. Right beside her mother. God, as if they weren't annoying enough already. Now they are starting to sound just alike. Next thing you know Emma's gonna start being the one who gives me the hope speeches.

"That's why, okay.! Do you not get it.? As long as Marian is in the picture. I don't matter, she's his wife. Am nothing. Okay.!?!" I yell storming my way out of Gold's Shop. As soon as I stepped outside the cool air hit me.


I almost forgot. But before I could puff myself to my vault. Snow and Emma emerged from Gold's shop. "Regina, we need to talk-" Snow started. But I put my hand up to hush her. "No we don't, I neither have the time or patience. To listen to you ramble on about my love life, or the lack thereof." I said, waving my hand. And transporting myself to my vault.

Maybe I should have lied to them too, God knows that family can't keep secrets. That would've been the smart thing to do. Or, I could just make myself a forgetting potion. That would take the pain away. Or will it.?

"I don't think either of those ideas of yours are good."

"Of course you'd show up," I said to myself, in more ways than one.
I turn to see the Evil Queen, sitting on one of my chest. Smirking at me from where she sits. "Well of course. Were you expecting someone else.?"

"Obviously not," I muttered under my breath. Going through my potions. Looking for the right ingredients. "Why are you still looking, I told you it's useless to-" she began.

"OKAY, I get it." I hissed at her. God, I never thought I'd get tired of hearing myself talk. I turn to myself ( The evil queen).

"Fine, what do you oppose I do then.?" I asked. She thought for a moment. "I want you to listen and watch very closely, to everything that's going to happen in the next few days." She said jumping off the chest. And walking towards me.


She just smiled and turned away. Heading towards the exit. "Oh, but before I forget." She said appearing right in front of me. "You might want to lose that.!" She said, pointing at my chest. I knew what she meant. I had to get rid of my heart. She knew something I didn't. And of course, she wouldn't just tell me.

I look back up to see she had already disappeared. Great.

I glance at the potions I held in my hands. Maybe she's right, maybe a forgetting potion isn't the way to go about this. But my heart... if I remove it, that will lessen the pain of losing Robin. The only thing is, this time around I don't have Robin to protect it. And the only person I trust besides myself is Henry. But I couldn't let my son see how broken I am. So broken to the point where I have to remove my own heart, just to lessen the pain of losing Robin. And maybe I can even find a potion to numb my heart. That way I wouldn't feel a thing and I could be strong for Henry.

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