Chapter 30: New Friends and Lost Souls

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"Hearing of his son's return to Elvenfast,

Aesthegon did weep for joy and relief.

He thought his eldest, and greatest captain, lost.

The enemy did press them sore in the forests of the south.

And word came of the fall of Gorgon's Dagger

With the loss of many brave and valiant souls."

- from a fragment discovered in Aquila's library vaults

The slender Aquilan prince heaved a sigh of relief as he felt the tingle of the threshold pass over him. Then he turned to smile over at Korolan as the world beyond the containment field blurred into whites and grays as the magic slung them forward.

<<That was a close piece of work, hey?>> he asked. The Bison clansman jerked a quick nod of agreement.

<<A bit too close, even for my liking,>> Korolan added, pulling a rag from his pack to wipe black troll blood from his weapon as they began to stride forward. Kaelin, KeLarion and the others were already out of sight in front of them, hastening along the trail in an effort to catch up with the rest of their company.

<<I've no doubt we would've perished in that accursed city if you and your wood elf companions hadn't of come along. You've my thanks.>> The last was punctuated with the hiss of his blade sliding back into its sheath.

Ciramax shrugged as he returned his own cleaned blade to its scabbard, both borrowed from Bentain as his was lost in the city during the wendigo attack.

<<With all things considered, I'm beginning to believe we were guided here on purpose. To recover the lost Sword of Aesthegon in time to help fulfill prophecy, or rescue you and your company, I don't know. Either way the timing is entirely too coincidental to be ignored.>>

<<Perhaps,>> Korolan conceded with a nod. <<Or even to bring our two companies together. Our cleric did mention the Utterance tells of all elves coming together to fight a common enemy.>>

<<Not only our companies.>> Ciramax frowned thoughtfully. Korolan nodded once again.

<<Good point,>> he rumbled. <<Before this day, I would've thought you and yours would leave us all to die in a similar circumstance. Instead you proved as good as your word and brought us out of Tor Aeinsavir no less harmed than we were the day you found us. And the greatest surprise was you, Lord Ciramax.>>

Ciramax chuckled wryly at Korolan's dry remark.

<<I was a bit off, wasn't I?>>

<<Off? My friend, I thought you were going to try and drive a dagger into my belly yesterday afternoon, your father and a Hagen's Peace notwithstanding! By the way, what changed your mind? It wasn't the trolls, I wager.>>

A thoughtful expression appeared on the Aquilan's face.

<<Not sure, actually. Perhaps it was the realization that this thing we're driving towards is bigger than any rivalry between kingdom and clan. Bigger than my prejudices and hate; bigger than us all.>>

<<If this Utterance comes to past, that will certainly be true,>> Korolan replied, his own expression thoughtful as well.

Ciramax let a quick sigh hiss through his teeth as his eyebrows climbed in resigned anticipation.

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