Larengor leaned forward as well, just as intent in his desire to discuss the further unfolding of the Utterance. And, in doing so, let his hands brush against the rune-covered leather case holding the Utterance.
Instantly the tall, lean elf was filled with the increasingly familiar surge of power, the Utterance reaching beyond its protective spells to enter him in a rush with his proximity. Despite the seriousness of the subject matter they were about to discuss, he felt his lips curl upward at the sensation, something he had enjoyed since becoming master of the council only a few short tendays' ago. As such, he had the privilege of seeing the Utterance for the first time in thousands of cycles firsthand, from the Seer. And, in these recent days of uncertainty, with the heavens overhead filling with long-foretold signs and the world erupting into chaos as the Utterance predicted it would, it seemed the only thing constant.
That constancy became the new anchor of his faith, a newfound reminder that the Maker not only watched over them, but also worked for their salvation from the darkness of the Abyss. Now, if he could only continue imparting that sense of security to those the Voice had summoned to Elvenfast, the Utterance's promised victory was closer at hand than they could've ever hoped for even a tenday ago.
The thrum of the Utterance's power still echoing in every fiber of his being, Larengor cleared his throat then began to speak.
<<From the time the Seer did bring the Utterance to the High King's city, the Var Ethisdil have studied the great prophecy. And we discovered that it tells us of a time of great change and upheaval that will begin the Ascendance, when all that we know and trust will change. Some of it will be for the better, and some for worse. During this time of turmoil, many of us will face challenges of faith and intent, including the Chosen. For in this period the Maker has allowed the Great Enemy, even he that is called the Deceiver in the ancient tongue, to have power over many so that their conviction may be tested. Those that will stand for the Light, regardless of the challenge, will gather themselves together, as will those that stand for the Darkness.>>
<<The Utterance tells us of those who will overcome all obstacles and rise above the challenges of this time of turmoil to become champions of the Light in a journey of choice it calls the Diaspora. A journey not only the Chosen must take, but each and every one of us as well.>>
Larengor paused there to let his eyes roam over the intent, almost rapt faces of the elves in the gallery. The power of the Utterance had prepared their hearts for his words, just as he had hoped it would. Now, if they would make the right choice after he finished speaking, ...
<<The Utterance tells us that the time of turmoil is now. Many of you have already felt its power, and you've seen the changes taking place in your lives, overturning everything you knew as certain and safe.>>
<<Like us being certain and determined enemies,>> Fenoran murmured in Ciradaan's ear and, grinning fiercely in agreement, the white haired Aquilan took the dapper Lusinoran's forearm in a grasp of friendship.
<<Soon the Deceiver and his minions will walk freely amongst you, seeking to turn even the most valiant from the Light,>> Larengor continued from his place at the great table. <<Unfortunately the Utterance can give no specific council as to how to resist the Dark One's sinuous and tempting words. For each and every one of you will face a challenge as unique as you are. The Utterance only tells us of the trials we'll face and that many of us will falter and fall by the wayside.>>
<<This is more poignant for you that have gathered here this day. As leaders and guides of your various peoples, it'll be your responsibility to give hope and guidance to your people during this time of trial. As the governing council of the Var Ethisdil, we extend whatever resources we have to assist you in your efforts, but the final decisions will remain yours. We can only hope you'll in the end, chose the Light and stand with us against the Return of the Horde.>>
Sons of Ironstorm - Book 1: Griffon's Rise
FantasíaWelcome to the twin worlds of Ramnor and Rimnor: lush, beautiful, and magical. They are also the center of the Maker's universe, the cornerstone on which all of Creation is built. If one, or both are destroyed, then Creation itself will begin to unr...