Gift from a sorry mother

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Annabeth: I went to sleep still worried over the Profacy and Rachel's warning. When I was suddenly with my mom. "Hello Annbeth, I know you still don't lie, me as much from the whole me in my Roman aspect being super rude thing but to make it up for you I have all my owls keeping an eye out for Percy. If they even smell the sea they will inform me and...." Her voice trailed off as her eyes glowed for a second then hey eyes stoped glowing. "Thank you Mom, I..... I forgive you." I replied hesitating only slightly. "Your welcome, now when you wake up you will have a charm on your necklace that will be shaped like an owl. If Percy shows up in the sight of any owl then it will glow. Touch it and it will turn into a mirror that will show you out of the owls eye view and you will be able, if it is looking at him, see Percy. Now I must be off, goodbye Annbeth." My mom said before I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and then looked down at my necklace to see it had a small silver owl charm on it. "Thank you mom!" I said out loud happily. I got dressed and ran put up on deck, were Hazel was sitting by Frank. I over heard the last bit of what Hazel was saying ".......Glowing?" "What about glowing?" I asked coming up behind them. They both jumped and a Frank turned into a weasel. Hazel said "Rachel's eyes glowed when she heard the gods." 

Frank: Hazel and I were standing by the railing, we were flying over the sea with the he wind pushing us. "According to Jason Rachel's eyes were glowing when she heard the gods. Do you think it could be part of being to Oracle? She told me it's never happened before." I thought for a minute on that, I had never heard of someone hearing the gods with out the gods letting them. If Rachel could hear the gods without there concert then they might put her to death. "No I have no clue of how or why that would happen, but if she can hear them with out them lettign she they might try to put her to death." I said to Hazel. She replied after a few moment slilance "We better not tell many people about this, only the ones that need to know like Annbeth and Jason all ready knows but I think we shouldn't tell Leo, Nico, Calypso or anyone else about this. This promblum with her hearing what the gods said, it might be even the first and last time it happens, but who knows well have to keep silent about the Glowing." "What about Glowing?" Annbeth asked from behind us and we jumped me turning into a weasel. "Rachel's eyes glowed when she heard the gods." Hazel said as she giggled slightly at me turning into a weasel. I transforme back blushing profusely and said "We think we should keep quite about this as the gods might not like it that she heard them. Even if this was her first and last time she hears them we shouldn't take any chances." Annbeth nodded and said "Everone on the ship knows that she heard them, Piper kinda shouted it out earlier. Well just tell everone to keep quite about it and no one else find out about the glowing eyes part." We all nodded in agreement then we all just kinda hung out sailing above the seawhich was strangely gray, Nevermind it was gray because Posidon didn't know we're Percy was just like all of the gods. After an hour I saw somthing glowing out of the corner of my eye and saw it was an owl pendent around Annbeths neck. "Um Annbeth an owl pendent that I have never seen before is on your necklace and glowing." I said while backing away slightly holding Hazel's hand. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked down and squealed slightly then she tapped it and a mirror appeared in her hand.

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