chapter 13

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"It's your go."

Raven studies the cards in her hand, but then pauses when no one answers her.

"She's out," Clarke laughs, motioning to Octavia, whose head has slumped over to rest on her deck of cards, fast asleep.

Sighing heavily, Raven tosses her cards into the middle of their circle and scans the room. Lexa's asleep at the head of the bed, and now Octavia's sprawled out in the middle of their Apples to Apples game, her feet resting on Lexa's back.

"They're children," Clarke rolls her eyes half-heartedly, shoving the game back into the box and putting it away. Raven stands up, slowly easing her weight onto her leg and giving herself a minute to adjust.

Clarke glances to the bed and then back to Raven. "Well," she laughs. "Looks like we're rooming together again."

And so, the two girls wind up sharing the bed originally intended for Octavia and Raven. And, unlike Octavia and Raven would have, Clarke and Raven split the bed down the middle with pillows and stay on their respective sides.

However, Raven's roused from her slumber a few hours later by a knock at the door. Lifting her head, she looks around the room in confusion. Another knock, louder this time. Groggily, Raven reaches over and nudges Clarke's shoulder.

"Hey," she yawns as the girl stirs awake. "Someone's at the door."

"Then get it," Clarke mumbles, rolling onto her back and pulling a pillow over her face.

Raven rolls her eyes. But Clarke doesn't budge, so she leans over and fishes around beside the bed for her brace. As she hurries to get it on, there's another knock.

"Coming," Raven mutters, yanking the final strap on her brace and slowly easing herself off of the bed.

"It's me," there's a voice. "Hurry."

"Lexa?" Raven furrows her eyebrows. When she pulls the door open, the light from the hallway blinds her, and Clarke groans from where she lays in the bed. Lexa stands in front of them, accompanied by Octavia, who has her arms hugged around her torso and is looking straight down at the ground.

"What's going on?" Raven suddenly wakes up, studying Octavia in confusion. She looks like she's shivering.

"She did it again," Lexa motions to the girl beside her. "She was sleepwalking."

Clarke sits up behind them, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?"

"She's awake now, but..." Lexa shrugs with one shoulder. "She's like this."

"Are we switching rooms?" Clarke speaks up again. Raven looks back and forth between all three girls before pushing the door open wider with her foot.

"You don't mind switching back across with Lexa?" she asks Clarke, who just shrugs and trudges out of bed, dragging a pillow with her. Lexa turns to follow her but pauses to glance back at Raven.

"Do you know what to do?" the girl asks quietly.

"No, but I'll figure it out," Raven dismisses her with a wave of the hand. Lexa hesitates, but Raven promises her she can handle it. When the door across the hallway shuts, Octavia still hasn't moved from where she stands.

"You can come in..." says softly, holding the door open. But Octavia doesn't move. Raven hesitates for a moment, pushing the door open wider and motioning to the room, but the girl still doesn't budge.

"Octavia," Raven reaches and and places a hand on the girl's arm. "C'mon," she pulls the girl forwards, and thankfully Octavia allows her to lead her back into the room.

from the ashes (she will rise) ➸ octavenWhere stories live. Discover now