Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Black's feeling of unease intensified as the afternoon shadows lengthened across his office walls, until at four o'clock he resolved to do something to put his apprehension to rest. He dialed Meagan's number with a heavy hand, and was surprised at how upbeat her voice was when she answered the phone.

"Meagan. It's Black. I hope I'm not disturbing you..."

"No, not at all. What can I do for you?"

"How are you holding up?"

"It''s been hard, as you might expect."

"I'm sure of it. Let me know if there's anything I can do."

"I will. It's just a bad time, is all."

"No doubt. Listen, I just wanted to check with you before I stop by. I have a few loose ends I'm tying up on the case."

"Oh. Are you making any progress? I'd have thought you'd dropped it now that Hunter's...gone."

"Not really. I'm about ready to put it to bed. This is more like crossing a few housekeeping chores off the list. Nothing more."

"Do you need to get into the house?"

"No, that can wait for a better time. I mostly just want to stop in and make sure you're okay."

"That's so sweet. And unnecessary."

"I'm in the neighborhood. It won't take more than a few minutes."

"I suppose that's fine, then."

"How's...Nicole doing?"

"I have no idea. She left the day after Hunter was killed. She wasn't here when it happened, thank God. I guess she was out with friends."

"It's got to be hard for her."

"I'm sure of it. I think she's staying with her mom. That will be good. Maybe she'll move in with her, once and for all."

Black could pick up a trace of animosity, even after everything that had happened.

"You'll figure it out, Meagan. Tell you what, I'll be by within a half hour. I just need to finish up an errand. I'll be in and out in no time."

Any other time, he was sure she would have latched onto the double entendre, but her spirit wasn't in it, and she sounded preoccupied.

"I'll be here. See you when I see you."

Black shifted on the uncomfortable makeshift seat cover he'd fashioned from tape and then rose, his pants pulling free of the silver patch with a sound like ripping fabric. He pulled on his black double-breasted jacket and cocked a black fedora on his head at a jaunty angle and emerged from his office to find Roxie actually doing what appeared to be legitimate work - paying bills with their bookkeeping software.

"I'm headed out."

"I got that. Is there a costume party tonight?"

"Another jab about my sartorial splendor, I presume."

"It's just that normal people don't dress like extras out of a Zoot Suit musical."

"I appreciate the candor. But I like this look."

"Why not try Robin Hood next? The green tights and the little vest might work nicely. And I think he wore a funny hat, too."

"I'll be on my cell."

"Good to know."

"In case anyone calls."

"Like they haven't all day. Oh, wait. We did have one wrong number. Looking for a dry cleaner. I'm guessing you don't want it forwarded."

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