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Today was fairly pissy for me... Jonathan was being an ass AND somehow my """friends""" were on his side so I was ALONE, I mean the only person I talked today for gym and lunch was max. THEN when I went to math class my friend Daniela got mad at me and so did Jennifer GREAT ROGHT?!? Because we were assigned to do this homework thing and since I didn't want to help them they just left me.
Why is everyone bitching at me all of a sudden??? Sometimes everyone stresses me out. The reason me and jonathan got mad at eachother was because he started to tell me "LEAVE US ALONE" so I was like ok cool I will and when I did they wanted me to hang out with them again ??????? WTH
Then daniela ignores me because She wants to read the last book of unwind BUT I DONT FUCKING HAVE IT. So now she's mad at me???? Wtf matame

God.... End my suffering

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