Chapter 3.

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I should've known I couldn't have a
peaceful dream.Nope.I couldn't have a dream that made sense either apparently.I never had a full scene,always just moments,flashing before my eyes.Always the same,yet always painful.My mother,lying in a hospital bed,her heartbeat slowing down,whispering her last words to me.
   "I love you..."Than her heartbeat suddenly stopped without hearing me say I love you back.My only friend Sarah moving away.Me being bullied relentlessly,bruised left and right.My drunken father making me sleep in the garage every night.Then,me running away and living in the woods,feral animals attacking me multiple times every day,and finally,me jumping down Mt. Ebott,the place of no return.As I saw myself falling down the dark abyss,I heard a voice.
   "My child?Are you alright?Wake up!"I shot up,looking around to see... My room?Mom was standing next to me,looking concerned.
   "My child?Are you alright?"She asked.
   "Yeah,I'm fine.Just a nightmare."I lied.I looked at the clock.8:00.
   "So,what time is school?"I ask,getting up.
   "9:00."Toriel said.I was genuinely shocked.
   "9:00!But it's barely after 8:00!I don't need an hour to get ready!"I exclaim,but immediately feel bad for yelling at Mom.
   "Calm down my child.Let me explain.I am a teacher at this school,so we need to get there early.Plus,it takes a while to get 9 children ready for school."She laughed."
Also,I have something for you."She said as she handed me a large,heavy box with a note on top.

   Dear Frisk,
Inside this package is everything you will need for this school year,and more.

I opened the box to find what looked to ba an iPhone,many textbooks,some notebooks,a pack of pencils,a pencil sharpener,a pack of pens,and a backpack.I stuffed all the items into my bag,than looked through the phone.It has a few apps on it,one called Undernet,contacts,and settings.I carefully put the phone in the top pocket of the backpack,picked it up,and went to the dining room.On the table was a bowl of cereal and a spoon.Me,being a very hungry person,gulped it all down in about 30 seconds,without realizing someone was sitting at the table with me.The one named Aurora.
   "Wow dude,your almost as fast as me when I eat pizza!"She laughed and walked out of the room with me.Soon,Toriel called out,
   "Come on everyone!Were gonna be late!"
   "You mean you're gonna be late."Aurora said.I tried not to laugh.
   "What was that Aurora?"Toriel said.
I covered my smile.
   "Oh,nothing Mom!"She said.I laughed out loud.Toriel turned back around and guided us out the door.

~Time Skip~

When I came to the school,a monster who looked to be some sort of dog,started talking to me.
   "So,you are Toriels new child,correct?WOOF."She asked sternly as possible for a dog.

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