UNKNOWN is calling.

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"hello, is this ki areum?"

"nah this carl."

"okay, definitely areum."

"who dis?"

"k-kim taehyung. do you remember me? from high school?"

she shot up in her bed.

"oh my god. taehyung? how have you been?"

"i've been fine. just wrapping up my masters in computer science. you?"

"masters in education, breathing, eating."

"you mean people are gonna have to trust you with their kids soon?"


"... to give them a decent education?"

she chuckled.

"one hundred percent, taehyung."

he still liked the way his name sounded when it rolled off her tongue.

and the fact that even after five years apart, she still said it like it hadn't been so long.

"... they're dumb as hell."

"oh shit tru!"

"well, what are you going to be teaching, teacher ki?"

"high school physics, actually."

"boy is you deadass?"

"nah, i'm just fucking with you. i'm going to be teaching history. you know, nefertitties and genghis khan and whatnot."

he bit back a laugh.

she was still seventeen at heart.

"you mean nefertiti?"

"yeah, that's what i said. nefertitties."

and she giggled.

the sound was not at all feminine, but it was real.

though she thought it would repulse him, it only made him want to close the gap between them more.

and when she sighed, it seemed she felt the distance, too.

"hey, i messaged hoseok on facebook the other day and heard you went to china after high school. is that true?"

"yeah, me and hoseok."

"and jungkook?"

"nah, he's still somewhere in incheon i think. we talk sometimes, but not as much as we used to."

"same with chaejin. i mean, we meet up every now and then but with school and work and stuff, we barely get to see each other. plus she lives in busan now, so she's really far from where i am."

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