Chapter five

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I think I'm might know how to keep the original idea and add the new thought. *Slams head onto desk* What am I do with me life? Well READ ON MY LITTLE WATTPADIANS!


"How did this happen," Stephano asked. "I don't think you should ask him that yet," Mr. Chair said," He's still shaken up by what happened." Shaking, I sat there staring at the wall. Why is this happening? Why are you still here? Get up and go! I lifted my head. There's that voice again. I had a feeling that I knew who it was. He wants my body. How am I still in control of my body? I looked up to see all of them looking at me.

"Piggeh?" I just stared back. "Did you hear me," Mr. Chair asked. I didn't answer instead I looked back at the wall slipping into my thoughts again. My felt a hand on my shoulder. I knew it was Mr. Chair. I swayed a little to the left. "Hmm," I said. "Piggeh, do you want to lay down," he asked. I swayed a little again. "S-sure," I whispered.

I stood up only for a piercing pain to split through my head. "Ahhh," I screamed grabbing my head crouching down. "Piggeh!" "Make it stop! Make it stop," I screamed as it grew worse. "Please," I begged. My head was pulled back and my mouth was opened. A cool liquid slid down my throat and the pain slowly died down.

A sob escaped my throat before I could stop it. I hugged my knees bringing them close to me, burying my head between them. I felt someone's arms slip under my legs and on my back before I was lifted up. I didn't open my eyes. I let the person carry me. I heard a door open and some shuffling before I was set on the bed. I cracked open one of my eyes to see Stephano pull the quilt over me and look at me with pity. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me for who knows how many times today. 

My head moved to the side. I opened my eyes and stood up. Wait what? I stood up only I wasn't in control of my body. I headed toward the door and opened it. I looked down both sides of the hall before continuing. Twisting and turning down different hallways, I have no control of where I went. I stopped in front of a door.

(Start to play the song here. Unless you already started listening to it.) Opening and closing the door behind me, I tapped the pipe as I walked along. I stopped and looked around. Who am I waiting for? Shut up, a voice barked back in my head. Who are you? Why are you doing this? I said shut it. Did you hear me talking that much? No, so STOP TALKING! I grew scared. Will my friends notice this? I groaned," If you won't shut up then I make you shut up. I can kick you completely out of this body if I want to!" "Who are you talking to?" Gonzales stepped out of the shadows.

"Ah. Gonzales. It's about time you came. Where's Barrel?" "He'll be here soon." We were quiet for a moment before we heard footsteps coming, repeating the clinking sound I did when I walked in here. I tapped the pipe three times paused and did it again. Barrel then walked up. "Piggeh. Nice to see you."

I growled. "My name's Zurro! Only call me Piggeh in front of the Broarmy." Don't you dare go near the Broarmy! "I said shut up!" Barrel and Gonzales looked at me startled. "Sorry the idiot won't shut up," I sighed pointing to my head. "Who? The real Piggeh," Gonzales asked. I shook my head sadly. "Why don't you just wipe him out," Barrel asked. "Because I still need him. The memories he carries will be wiped out along with him. Unfortunately." Get out of my body! Be happy you're still there pig, the voice hissed. 

"So what's the plan," Gonzales asked. "The plan? Well "Piggeh" here is going to go back to the Broarmy and get information of what they're doing, where they are, and all that good stuff. And the grand thing about it is that they won't even know until it's the end for them," Barrel said grinning like a manic. "You better head back before the others start to look for you," Barrel said as the two turned to leave. "Oh and Zurro. Remember to stay in character." I smiled. "Don't worry. I've done this many times before."

What do I do? Nothing. You just stay there like a good little pig and let me do my job. Why are you doing this for Barrel? The answer is simple. I give him the answers while I get a new body. It's a win win. I grinned as I heard Mr. Chair's frantic voice. My footsteps echo as I drew closer to the room. N-no you stay away from them! I walked closer no matter how hard I tried to stop myself.  Please don't fo this! You can have my body with no struggle from me but please don't hurt them! My grin widened. Show time.

I stopped and peered into the room. "Mr. Chair, what's the matter?" Mr. Chair, Stephano, and Felix looked at me worriedly. "You're ok," Mr. chair yelled hugging me. I looked at them all shocked. "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure? What about earlier," Felix asked. "Oh that? The landuam took care of the pain. I feel fine now." "And you're fine with how you look now," Stephano asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh yeah. I look pretty cool now and... ah pumped?" 

Stephano walked over to me and smacked the side of my head. "You idiot. Don't go running off like that when you know how worried your friends are," Stephano hissed. "Aww you cared?" I received a bunch of weird looks. "Piggeh why woul-" I cut Mr. Chair off. "I'm bored." Stephano sighed and mumbled something in french. "Well we should start focusing on getting Pewdie back. Now we need to work harder since we had a little set back," he said glancing at me. 

"Come I come with," I asked expectantly. Say no. Say no! Stephano sighed and looked at Mr. Chair and then me again. "Fine," he huffed. We walked out and headed down the corridor. 

I walked down the corridor, trailing behind my friends. Stephano, was in the lead, Pewdiepie, following close behind him, Mr. Chair trying to stay close to the two, and then me. I stopped walking watching as they walked farther down. I hate you, I spat. I hate you more than anything, my voice was shaky like I was crying. I felt tears starting to leak from my eyes. Stop making me cry, he spat back. I HATE YOU! I, no, he smirked. I was no longer in control of my actions. I refuse to call what he does mine. Then he followed after them.


Here it is! Hope you like it and not hate me! :D Anyways till then PEACE!

                                                                                  ~ Holo

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