Chapter seven

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"I just don't know Piggeh," Mr. Chair said his grip on his folded hands tighten a little as he looked down. Piggeh narrowed his eyes at him. "You can't just leave me like this," he snapped. 'Ha ha thank you, Mr. Chair~'  'Shut up pig!' "I'm sorry Piggeh but we think it's for the best. You should rest for a little bit and then join us later." "But I'm feeling fine." Mr. Chair hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know. Just do it please." 

'I never say no to that face so if you don't want to raise any suspicions, you better listen.' I felt him grow angry. His hands clutched into a fist. Forcing a smile out, his replied,"Ok, Mr. Chair. I'll do it for you." Mr. Chair smiled. "Thank you." He nodded his head before turning and walking away form him. 'Da*n you pig. What did you tell him,' he snapped as we turned down a hall. 'Nothing.' 'Don't tell me that garbage! I know you told him something!' 'Then why are you asking me that then?' 'Quit it with the games before you make me do something we'll both regret.'

'Like what? You're under Barrel's command right now, you wouldn't risk anything in order to continue to keep this body.' He cracked a smile. "Oh that's what you think but there are such things as accidents." 'Pfft oh really, what kind of accident will it be?' He stopped walking. 'Would you like to find out?' 'Wha-' I heard a little voice talking behind one of the doors not to far from us. I felt a little dazed for a moment. He was shifting through my memories. 'Mayo, huh?' He started down the hall taking slow torturous steps to the room. 'W-wait what are you doing?' 'I'm gonna show you how accidents can happen.' 

'Wait! No, you can't!' 'Oh?' He stopped again. 'And why not?' 'Because he's just a little boy!' He can't possible do this. No he can't! 'Oh but I can.' A smirk grew against his face.  'No!' It felt like a ton of bricks suddenly hit us causing him to stumble and fall. 'Stop fighting it!' 'No! You leave him alone!' He growled forcing himself up. 'I don't want you in my body!' He stumbled back. "I will wipe you from your brain! Stop it!" 'Get out!' It was like something pushed him into the wall.

'Get out! Get out! Get out!' He fell to the ground. He gasped hands grasping the carpet tightly. 'Get out of my body and leave my friends alone!' The numb feel that I had always felt when he was in control was slow wearing off. I want to move. I want to move! 'Stop it! You are no longer the owner of this body!' With that, it was numb again. I once more turned nothing more than a floating nagging thought. "Do that again," he growled in a deadly tone,"And I WILL kill all your friends without a second thought."

He pushed himself off the ground and turned away from Mayo's room. 'That may be so but like I said, I will not go down without a fight.' He smiled. 'I'll take that as a challenge then' 'I don't care which way you take it. But I'll tell you this. You won't be the one to come out on top.'  His smile slipped away. I suddenly felt dazed again. Things didn't some clear again more. I felt hazey. Like I was slipping away. And then just like that, it was gone. 'You felt that, pig?' 'Yeah...' 'You better keep that feeling close in mind because that was just a tiny part of the process of you being wiped from my mind. It's just that simple.' 

'*Sigh* I hate you.' 'Trust me I know.' He turned down a corridor. 'Where are you going? This isn't the way to your room.' 'Who ever said I was going to my room? I think it's time I pay Barrel a little visit.'  


"Hello?" "Who's there?" "It's me, you idiots." "Piggeh!" Barrel came out walking towards him, smirking. He growled. "What did I say? Don't call me Piggeh when you don't have to!" Barrel crossed his arm, rolling his eyes through it wasn't seen through his sunglasses. "So any news?" "Not really. They're just trying to get Pewd home." "That's it?" "That and this pig won't cooperate. He even got a hold of the body once. I believe he may have said something to the others. They won't let me travel with them." Barrel's lip straightened into a thin line. It was silent for a moment before Barrel yelled. "What is wrong with you? You don't think that's important information, Zurro?!" Zurro didn't seem fazed by the yelling through.

"No," was all he said. "What's with the yelling?" Gonzales came walking over. "This numbskull didn't tell us that Piggeh got a hold of the body again and snitched!" Gonzales raise a brow. "You," Barrel whipped around again," Said that you had done this many times without any problems!" "Maybe Piggeh's stupidity is just rubbing off on him," Gonzales said leaning again a pipe. Zurro clutched his teeth. 

"I know what I said and it is true. This one is just a little more complicated." "I don't want complicated, I just want the job done." "And you will get it done. Don't worry. The pig just needs a little push and it will be find." Barrel snorted looking far from pleased. "You better."


I hope you like it. I'll try to update soon. No promises though sorry. :/ So till then PEACE!

                                                                                  ~ Holo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2013 ⏰

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