Chapter six

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He smiled back kindly at Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair then turned and walked off. His smile faded away as he glared at Mr. Chair's back. 'Today was a complete waste of time.' I'm glad it was. 'Oh shut up. Be glad I didn't do anything to them,' he hissed. He started back to his room.  If I could I would smack, no, I would punch him square in the face! 'Watch it pig. I can hear everything you think.' Good. He sighed irritated. It took some time but he reach his room. 

He pushed open the door, walked in, and slammed it shut behind him. "Maybe tomorrow will be better." He walked over to the bed and plopped down on it. He sat up a little, reaching into his back pocket pulling out something. It was, what looked to be like, a round metal stone. 'Should I report to him or not?' He sighed fiddling with the metal stone. 'I don't really have anything to tell him unless he wants to hear about how idiotic all of them were.'

He placed the stone on the dresser next to the bed before getting under the covers. It was strange though. I felt him drift off to sleep. It felt like he was no longer there with all of his thoughts slipping away. It was as if I was floating around absolutely nothing.  He thinks he can just take my body without a fight? He sure is stupid. Though it seems to be that this isn't his first time taking someone else's body so I'll have to think of something.

But what? Hmm... I wish that could just move again. I wanted to move.  What if I just moved my hand? The desire to move began to grow stronger and stronger the harder I concentrated. If my hand just twitched a little I would be happy.  Then a new weird feeling come over me. I felt myself slipping away.

I shot up covered in sweat, panting hard. What on earth? I looked around the room. I remember this room, it was what's his face's room but... I quickly put my hands front of me so I could see them. I... I can move? I felt my face. But how? I jumped out of bed and ran towards the door in need to find a mirror. Was this all just a nightmare? My heart raced as thoughts swirled around my mind. Was that it? A horrible nightmare? I stopped at the dressing room and flung the door open. I ran inside and towards the mirror covered by a giant piece of white cloth that had yellowed over the years.

I grabbed the fabric tightly yanked it off dust raising up. I coughed waving away the dust. I looked up at the mirror with anticipation. My heart stopped cold. A pair of bright amber and dark blood red eyes stared back at me. I took slow steps backwards feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. My back hit the wall stopping me from getting any farther from the cursed image that was reflected back at me. I slid my back down the wall and sit down bringing my legs to my chest.

Tears slid down my face. How could this be happening to me? Didn't I endure enough when I was a child? An image flashed in my head of younger me. It was me standing in the cold holding a sign. I could remember that day so clear that I can almost feel the cold again. I was probably only six then. 

                            ~Flashback Time~

 The bitter wind nipped at my face. I hugged myself tighter hoping to get warm as I walked along the street. I heard laughter. I stopped and looked across the street to see a family walking. Two girls around my age ran trying to see who was faster while the parents watched them, keeping at their own pace smiling all the while. I stood there in awe. These two girls seemed to have everything. They had on nice thick coats, their faces nice and round from being well fed, and they had parents.

I looked down at my ripped pink shirt that was covered in dirt that showed the dirty wrapping that I found not that long ago to cover the new wound I just gotten. I shivered again, not because of the brutal cold but at the thought of the cruel man who had given me it. His cold eyes flashed in my head causing me to walk onwards. 

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