Destructive and dangerous

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"If you touch me, I'm going to murder you in the most brutal way I can come up with and bury your body so deep underground that no one will ever find it."

Seeing my murderous expression, Borah dropped her outstretched hand and groaned.

"Jesus, Abi." She moaned. "I'm not trying to get you to come with me to some group orgy. It's just a party."

"It's never just a party for someone who doesn't like people." I pointed out.

Borah rolled her eyes and glanced at Sierra hopefully.

"Any help here?"

Sierra snorted.

"Are you kidding me? I'm sticking with Abi. Coming here was a stupid idea."

The two of us were huddled together in the backseat of Borah's car, desperately trying to stay right where we were. 'The call to a friend' turned out to be a call to they boys. Borah called them after we refused to cooperate and get off the couch, asking for help in, quoting: 'moving our lazy asses'. Unfortunately, they were out tonight and none of them could come over. Such a shame.

But of course, Borah didn't give up after hearing the news. Sneaking towards my laptop when I wasn't looking, she stole the pen drive I had stuck into the port and hid it somewhere.

All of our Supernatural episodes were on this pen drive. And since the whole building had some wi-fi issues, we had no other way of watching it, or anything else.

The deal was simple: We go with her, we get the pen drive back. We don't we stay at home and play scrabble or just stare at the wall, without the Internet or anything to watch.

In that situation, even I agreed to go.

Although if I'd known she was dragging us along to a party, I would have chosen to rot on my couch, playing solitaire.

Now it was a little bit too late.

"Oh my God, you two are such pansycakes!" Borah complained, stomping her foot. "I can't believe you don't even want to get out of the damn car and get inside."

"I'm not even twenty-one." I pointed out. "They won't let me in."

"Me, too." Sierra nodded her head vigorously.

Borah shrugged.

"I'm not twenty-one,either. But trust me, it's not going to be a problem here."

"No. No way." I sunk further into my seat, wishing to disappear. "You go ahead. I'm staying here."

Borah raised a brow, eying me skeptically.

"You wouldn't stay at home without your pen drive, but you're willing to stay in the car now?"

"Yes." I replied, completely serious.

She shot me a bland look. I smiled.

"You two are unbelievable." Borah shook her head. "It's a shame the guys are not here. Maybe they could at least haul your lazy asses up and -"

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