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How are you?


Why isn't she responding? Did she have a bad day? Did I do something wrong? Oh God, what the hell did I fuck up time?

Maybe she is just busy!

Or maybe she is ignoring me! But why would she ignore me? Did I forget her birthday?!?! Oh, no. That's in December. DID I FORGET HER DOG'S BIRTHDAY??????

I'm pretty sure that's it. I probably forgot his birthday, and she is mad that I didn't remember because it shows that I don't pay attention all the time.


How are you?

I'm alright. A bit tired, you?


What do I say? I'm alright, I guess, even though I'm never alright without her by my side.. Yeah, I'll just say I'm alright. Yeah, I'm totally fine. Plaster a smile on my face and continue on like any other normal human being. But since when am I normal?


I'm alright. A bit tired. You?

I'm quite alright, love.
I'm quite alright.


That's good.


A long, awkward pause ensues...

And I wait...
And wait...
With nothing on my mind to say.


I'm quite alright, love.
I'm quite alright.

That's good.

I miss you.
Like, a lot.


I miss you too. I miss you more than you'll ever know. What you don't understand is that everyday I think of you at least once. Wondering what you're doing, what adventures your having 3000 miles from where I stand. I miss you more than the amount of land covered in those 3000 miles. I love you so much more than that. Do you know that? That I would drop everything right now and run across the country to you if you just said a word.

But I'll never tell you that.

I miss you.
Like, a lot

I know.


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