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Mariya, Sydney, Kenzie, and Molly just finished their latest video and decided that theyre hungry.

Of course, Molly had a craving for pizza all day.

"Mariya, maybe we should have pizza," Molly suggested.

She thought about it and said, "sure ok"

Sydney grabbed the phone and tossed it towards Mariya. She caught it and dialed Pizza Hut.

Kenzie was sitting on the couch on her phone until Mars crept up on her and jumped her.

She let out a bloodcurling scream and Mars howled with laughter.

"Oh my f**king God Mars, dont ever do that again"

"Sorry i couldn't help it"

Molly wasnt paying attention to the background, she was trying to not think about pizza. She couldn't wait this long, her stomach was demanding Italian food in right now.

All of a sudden she smelled cheese, she sniffed the air and followed it. It cant be Sydney or Mariya. It definitely cant be the other two, then where's that smell coming from?

She came to a halt outside. The smell was coming from somewhere outside. She looked back at the girls. Mariya still on the phone and Mars and Kenzie were still at each other. Sydney isnt in sight though.

Molly decided it was safe anyways. She walked out the door and kept following the smell. Her mouth was watering as she imagined what the smell was. Maybe its pizza!

She climbed up the mountain side and reached the peak. Not up here.

The smell went downhill and into a meadow. Still not it. Into the forest, past the gingerbread house, and into the city. Of course, a pizzeria. Without thinking she ran into the city. The smell stopped at the building named Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. She just wanted pizza.

She was in there for hours. She had to use the bathroom when closing time came around. She went out of the restroom and up to the exit door. Locked.

"Aw f**k," she said to herself.

She hasn't checked her phone for awhile.

4 messages from Mariya.

Molly where r u, we're going to eat this pizza without u!

We're getting tired of waiting

Answer me

Fine, no pizza for u!

Oh man! She kept pulling at the door, but it wouldn't budge.

She ran into a room with cameras everywhere. Wheres the doors?

Then she recognized this. She played this before. No!

"Aw f**k me, im going to die!"

Then she heard the familiar clanking feet. Foxy.

She dug around trying find the mask. Then she remembered, you have to flash him.

She flashed the flashlight bunches of times and he eventually went.

8:00 AM

Mariya texted Kenzie:

Have u seen Molly, shes been gone all night?

No, i was going to ask u the same thing

Mariya felt pain of fear, where's Molly?

Thats when she heard pounding on the door.

She got up quickly and threw open the door.

Molly stood there, looking as if she never slept all night.

"Oh Molly," she said throwing her arms around her best friend.

"Mariya, i dont like pizza anymore," she said before letting Mariya let go.

"Why? What happened"

"Lets just say, i played the most realistic game today"

"Oh which reminds me, there's a Five Nights At Freddy's 3, want to play that with the rest of us for our new series"


*This was going along as i went so here!

Stay awesome!

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