The Mistress' Orders

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*before i start, here's my favorites in order.


Also Renea is finally back to WGP! We missed ya Renea!

Now without any more delays, i present to you, The Mistress' Orders!

Stay awesome!

"Take that b**ch," Drea said as she played Happy Wheels. The girls' video today is on Happy Wheels. And Drea is having a "blast". Note the quotation marks.

"I order you to suck my d**k," she continued.

Drea finally finished the level and then ended the video.

"Had fun, Drea?," asked Mariya.

"Yea sure," she replied.

"Well glad you did because the next video is going to a VR horror game," Mariya said holding up the VR set.

"What the hell is a VR?"

"Its like you're in the game, see you put this on your head," she put the head set on her face to demonstrate. "And grab a controller and play. Simple"

"Uh huh," Drea replied. "And this concerns me how?"

"Well, i thought about this and wondered, if you could play a whole VR game without quitting the game cause it was too scary. But then i think to myself, she would"

"So youre saying i can't handle it, ok lets bet on this. If i can handle the game, you do what i say for a whole day. If i do quit you can make me watch a cute video"

"Oh a cute video huh, how about cats with fluffy white fur, and beady eyes cause theyre being cute"

Drea did a disgusted face when she heard this.

"Or My Little Pony?"

"No! Ill take the cats!"

Mariya chuckles a bit before handing Drea the VR set. "What now?"

Mariya nodded her head. Drea looked down at the set then back at Mariya.

"F**k you"

She went over to the computer and Mariya put in the game. Drea put on the set. And then it started.

2 hours passed and Mariya was getting worried that she might beat the game. Of course she heard her scream a lot but it seems she still is playing.

Maddie looked at Mariya before she got up and went to Drea.

"Woah!," Mariya heard Maddie say.

She went in the room and saw that Drea has completed the game.

"Now its time you bow," she said to Mariya. "You do as your Mistress says"

Mariya's mouth dropped and she immediately closed it. "Drea, but h-how"

"I really wanted to boss you around today and made sure i didnt chicken out"

"Whats she talking about Mariya?," asked Maddie.

"We made this bet if she couldn't finish this game she has to watch cute and cuddly cats, but if she does i have to do what she says for a day"

Drea nodded her head and smiled.

Maddie almost laughed but covered her mouth before she did.

"Alright a deal is a deal"

Drea rubbed her hands evily. "This is going to be fun"

Drea bossed Mariya around the whole day and they lived happily ever after. Ok not really.

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